Page 14 of Lips On My Heart

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Chapter Three


Strutting like a cock, I know she’s watching me walk all the way back toward the restaurant, because I can see her in the reflection of the diner windows. It makes my heart race knowing my little pixie is checking me out.

Back inside, I’m greeted with back slaps and more whistles from my crew. I walk up to the counter to pay Bonnie for our breakfast. As I wait for my change, my mind drifts back to the little pixie.

I knew I would find her and have her back by my side when she drove off this morning, but fuck, I had no clue it would be in the following hour. Imagine my surprise when she twirled around and locked eyes with me. Shock was written all over her face, followed by the wanton desire she desperately tried to conceal. Her eyes traveled all over me before narrowing. She took in my leather cut, homing in on my club name.

Well, tie me up and spank me happy.

My little pixie, Josephine, was Jo Holland. How fucking ironic is it fate was already working to bring us together for the past three weeks?

We’d only been able to speak via email the past few weeks while I worked a job in Colombia, I had no idea the ‘Jo’ in my head was actually a woman—a smoking-hot woman who fucked me better than my wildest dreams could have imagined.

Punk’s voice carrying across the diner brings me back to the present. “Damn, Atlas. Who was the sweet thing?”

Smiling like a damn fool, I decide to fuck with them. “That there—” I point at her white Subaru speeding out of the lot. “—is my future wife, gentlemen. Mind your fucking tongues when you’re talking about yourfirst lady.”

The diner erupts in thunderous laugher and more whoops and whistles. They know I’m joking since I’ve never been serious about a woman before, but I have to admit, keeping Josephine permanently feelsright. It scares the fuck out of me.

Gauge is at my side, leaning in, letting me hear him over the ruckus. “When the hell did you find time to fuck our architect? You only met her this morning,” he says with envy.

Fuck yeah, I met her this morning, and fuck yeah, I was already buried balls deep inside of her, but fuck him if he thinks I’m going to share any shit. I smile broadly at Gauge before taking the stool next to him. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Since fucking when?” Chase asks on my other side.

I smirk. “Since I saved a pixie from a hellhound and scaled a mountain.”

Chase raises a pierced eyebrow. “What the what?”

I shake my head and laugh. No point in trying to explain the story without spilling the beans on all the sweet details.Fat fucking chance.

Instead of answering, I pull out my pixie’s license plate number from my wallet and hand it to Chase. “I need an address for the owner of this license plate. Tell Steve Shields at the station her name is Josephine Holland. It should help him pull her info faster. I need it no later than five this afternoon.”

“Why? What’s going on this afternoon?” Chase asks.

“I’m taking the pixie on a date,” I answer.

Shocked, Chase and Gauge glance at each other before looking back at me. I know the look. It’s the ‘what the fuck happened to him’ look. It’s how we used to look at our SEAL team when one of them fell hopelessly in love. ‘Date’ is not a word I’ve used before when talking about hooking up with a woman, and these two shits caught it.

Annoyed, I glower. Do I plan on fucking Josephine tonight? Absolutely. But oddly enough, I want more from her than just getting horizontal. Chase and Gauge can go to hell.

“Um, no problem,” Chase says as he takes the license info between his fingers, pulling out his phone and walking outside.

I turn back to Gauge. “I’m not sure if I’m coming back this evening. Only contact me if you absolutely need to,” I inform my second-in-command. In other words, he knows to keep a look out and not involve me unless it’s life or death.

“Sure thing,” he says. “Are you sure getting involved with the designer is a smart move?”

“I don’t give a cock-suck if it’s smart or not. It’s what I want. I’m stuck with this woman for up to four months; I might as well make the most of it.”There, that sounds like me.

Gauge snorts. “Or by the end of the project you’ll have figured out a way to make her your old lady.”

How dare he joke about me being committed to anyone!

I’m about to backhand him in the chest when, without warning, my mind flashes images of Josephine—in my arms with her legs wrapped around me, the slender curve of her ballerina neck, and her coastal blue eyes staring deep into mine.

I bite down hard on my tongue to stop myself from moaning.
