Page 57 of Lips On My Heart

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I snarl. “Fucking loafer shoe bastard.” Who the hell does he think he is? Inviting my woman to his fucking hotel room? If I see the pencil dick again, I’ll strangle his ass.

“How did he seem after you turned him down today?” Luke questions.

Josephine’s head falls into her hands. “Angry,” she murmurs. “He’s not used to rejection. Pretty much, if he wants it, he gets it or takes it.”

Luke closes his notebook and gives Josephine’s arm a gentle squeeze. “We’re going to look into all of this. In the meantime, you should stay somewhere else.”

Josephine, stubborn as ever, shakes her head. “I’m not going to be run out of my own home. Where the hell would I go with Hades?”

“You’d stay with me at the club. It’s the best place for you. All my men are there to protect you. It’s the perfect solution,” I say, running my hand over her hair.

Josephine’s purses her lips before she turns to glare at me. “I’m not staying anywhere near that bitch, Candy! I can’t trust myself not to let Hades loose on her. Plus, Hades hates men. Hence, why he’s locked away in the laundry room right now, barking at all these strange guys here,” she chides.

My jaw clenches in frustration. I don’t know why she’s riding my ass right now when I’m trying to reason with her. “Pixie, we’re staying at the rental, and we’re implementing some serious changes.”

She pushes her elfin chin out at me. “Yeah, like what?”

My hand twitches to spank her ass for her sassy attitude. “One of my men will be with you at all times. If I’m not with you, one of them is. And when I mean all times, I meanall times. Your morning run will no longer be only you and Hades. Working on the site, you will have a man with you. At night there will be a man outside your door, as well as one in front of the condo, and one in the backyard. Grocery store, bank, gas station, doctor appointments, client appointments, everywhere and all the above, you will be escorted by at least one member. Until we get this settled, you are watched. Do I make myself clear?”

Josephine’s scowling at me. Her glare could put any of my men to shame with how deadly it is. She can’t say no. I’m the security expert, for fuck’s sake, and know far more on the topic.

Annoyed with her for not answering me, I ask again, “Do I make myself clear, Josephine?”

“Yes,Atlas,” she spits back.

Oh, she’s definitely going to get her ass smacked now for calling me by my club name.

“Good,” I say firmly. “But tonight, we’re not going to get any rest here. After the police are finished, which may take another hour, my men are coming in to install the security and surveillance equipment. And a new front door. I’ll ask Chase to add a new bedroom door to the list, too. We’re going to pack up your stuff and you and Hades are coming back to the MC rental for the night. I’ll kick the other guys out of the room if you want.”

Her safety is my number one concern and I will take all the necessary precautions. Speaking of precautions. “Did you unlist your address and make your social media accounts private, like I asked?”

She glowers at me. “Yes, I did, like the good little girl I am. Am I allowed to pack my own shit or are you going to dictate how that’s going to go down too?” she snaps.

Before I can respond, she’s off the couch, and storming past the cops to get to her bedroom. I watch her retreat and shake my head. Her sass is going to get her two slaps on the ass tonight.

“You got yourself a real firecracker, Atlas,” Luke says, grinning. “But seriously, how did you land her? She’s drop-dead gorgeous.”

“Watch it, fucker. She’s mine,” I growl.

Luke chuckles and shakes his head. “You’re a luckysonofabitch. But I need to ask you something and I didn’t want to do it in front of your girl. She’s upset enough right now. We’ve gone over who may have done this and who she knows, but what about the people you know?”

My job alone puts me on a lot of people’s lists. If I were to make a perp list for Luke it would trump the one Josephine gave him. I groan aloud. Luke better have another notepad on hand because I’m about to fill it up.

Luke hands me his notepad. “Right, how about you narrow your mental list to your top five.”

Never one to skimp, I give him my top ten. Esteban Moreno leading the pack.
