Page 91 of Lips On My Heart

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I’m looking at thirty-four before I have two kids. And I want way more than two kids with Josephine—I want a fucking bus-load.

Okay, maybe not a bus-load, but three to four sounds like a nice number to me. I could be nearly forty when our final kid comes into the world.

Fuck, that’s too long.

I throw my comb down on the counter in frustration. “Josephine, I want you to get that IUD out now!” I growl.

Josephine looks at me wide-eyed with her mouth open and her toothbrush hanging out.

Okay, that could have come out better.

But fuck, I want to start a family. I want to go to the courthouse, have a judge marry us, and start the next phase of our lives. She deserves the wedding of her dreams, I agree, but I want the family of our dreams. I don’t want to be fucking forty when it’s finally complete. I need to explain to her where my head is at.

She spits in the sink and her eyes flash. “Excuse me?” she questions with a hand on her hip.

Shit.I need to explain fast before she takes my comment like a demand, which it kind of is, but if I play nice and beg, maybe she’ll go along with it. “Let me explain,” I plead.

“Oh, please do,” she says frigidly. I’m on thin ice right now. I better think before I open my damn mouth.

“I want kids with you, now,” I blurt.

Yep, let that shit fly. Think before speaking, my ass.

Josephine’s eyes are narrowed, but she sighs and calmly looks at me. “Maceo, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume there’s a lot more going on in your head than what you’re revealing. Why don’t you start again from the top?”

Thank you, sweet baby Jesus!

Before spilling myself open, I try to relax. “I know you want to be married first. But Opal said it may take a year to plan a wedding. It could take a long time to get pregnant too. And then it’s forty more weeks of waiting. And that’s only kid number one! What about kids number two, three, and four? Each one forty more weeks, plus time between each one. I don’t want to be a geriatric man throwing the ball around with my kids and not being able to keep up because I’ll need a knee replacement. I want to be alive when they graduate or get married,” I ramble, staring at her with my hands flying into my hair, my voice raising an octave.

Shit, shit, SHIT!

Josephine grabs me by the shoulders. “Maceo, I want you to take a deep breath. Okay? Can you do that for me? Breathe in, breathe out.”

I mimic her breathing and my hands fall away from my hair.

“Now I want you to listen to me, okay? I know you want children. You’ve pretty much wanted me pregnant since the first time we had sex. And don’t think I didn’t catch how unhappy you were when I told you I had an implant. You’ve been dropping hints left and right about wanting a family. I’m not opposed to having kids. We need to discuss how many we’ll be trying for, because four seems like a lot, and I don’t see you as the type of dad who’s going to be okay driving a minivan,” she says in a reasonable tone.


“I’ll drive a minivan!” I say quickly. If that’s the way I get the amount of kids I want with Josephine, I will fuckingrockthe minivan. Of course, I’ll still have my bike to keep me cool.

Josephine holds up her hands to stop me. “Okay, the amount of kids isn’t the important part here. Maceo, you’re being dramatic. You’re acting like you’re going to be an old man tomorrow and you will not be old until decades from now, not a decade, but decades. You’re still going to be alive when our kids graduate and get married. Christ, you’re still going to be running around and throwing a ball when we have grandchildren because that’s the kind of man you are.”

My ears perk up on the word ‘grandchildren.’ “You think we can convince our kids to get married and have kids early?”

Josephine rolls her beautiful blue eyes. “If I saysurewill you settle down?”

“Maybe,” I admit before sighing. “I’m sorry. I know I’m freaking out about this. Since I’ve found you, I see myself wanting the whole package. I want abigfamily with a house full of loud kids. Maybe I feel this way because I never had my parents or any siblings, I don’t know. All I know for sure is that I want to have this family with you, and I don’t want to wait any longer.”

Josephine nods. “I’m not agreeing to anything right now, but I will put your mind at ease on some of this. One, I don’t need a big fancy wedding, only a nice one. Two, it won’t take a year to plan because I like late summer or fall and that’s coming up. Three, if I get the build done in the next month, we could have the wedding there. It will be big, spacious, everyone will fit and no one will have to travel. Four, I’ll remove the IUD after we get married, so we can start trying for kids. And five, I may be kicking myself later for mentioning this to you, but my mom was a natural twin, and her grandmother before her. We have a real chance at killing two birds with one stone and having multiple babies at once.”

My heart fucking leaps.Twins.We could have twins. That’s two babies in one pregnancy. Two pregnancies have the possibility to produce two sets of twins. That’s four kids right off the bat. The fucking family of my dreams will be complete all before the age of thirty-four.Fucking GOLD!

With my heart jackhammering, I haul Josephine in my arms, cheering like a wild fan at a sporting event, not giving two shits if I wake the entire house. Josephine is a gift from God, created specifically for me.

All my dreams for us are within reach. But first we need to finish the build. Throwing Josephine over my shoulder, I race out of the bathroom and down the hall.

“What the fuck is going on?” Gauge say, stumbling out of the bedroom with his gun drawn, mistaking my excitement for danger. Chase is right behind him, yanking on his boots.
