Page 111 of Lips On My Soul

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Uncomfortable and overheated, I twist in the sea of bodies and limbs. My heavy eyelids crack open and take stock of my surroundings. I’m still sandwiched between Punk and Simone, but Reaper has been replaced with Chase spooning my sister’s back.

A loud snore alerts me that Reaper isn’t far. I sit up and my theory is confirmed. Reaper lays on the floor next to the bed with Hades snuggled against him, snoring as loudly as Reaper. Red is lying against Reaper’s chest on his other side. Opal and Gauge are crashed in one corner of the room. Ziggy and Jared are in the other.

I crawl out of bed and navigate my way around all the sleeping bodies into the seating area, finding Tony and Ebony lying on top of each other on the couch. Tony has a big arm thrown around Ebony, caging her against him. Eagle is in one wingback while Stage is in the other, mouths hanging open and dead to the world. There are people all over the place, but none of them is the person I’m seeking.

Where are you, Maceo?

Making my way to the door, Hades must’ve sensed me leaving. He appears at my side, rubbing his head against my hip, letting me know I’m not alone.

I open the door, poking my head into the hallway. I hear a voice floating up the stairs from the main living area. The deep baritone notifies me it’s Maceo and he sounds less than happy. I tiptoe to the railing with Hades by my side and I peer below.

The love of my life sits on one of the couches, elbows on his knees, one hand holding his cell to his ear, the other rubbing his forehead. My father sits in one of the loungers next to Maceo, watching him silently.

Flay comes into view and is greeted by my mom coming out of the kitchen with a brown bag meal. Flay takes the bag from mom and bends to give her a peck on the cheek before heading off to relieve Triple from Tom’s guard detail.

“What the fuck do you mean he wasn’t there when you raided his place?” Maceo shouts into the phone. “Luke, I gave you everything on a silver platter. All you had to do was steamroll in and take him down.”

Oh, no!Maceo must be talking with Detective Quire about Lorenzo.Please, God, please don’t let this be as horrible as my imagination perceives.

Maceo stands, growling, and paces the room with the phone at his ear. My dad stands and goes to the bar in the billiards room. Mom wrings a dishrag in her hands, watching my fiancé with worried gray eyes.

“Luke, it was wrapped up with a fucking bow. I gave you all our evidence. I handed you his hacker. I even gave you the evidence on his latest Poppers party drug, the location of where he sells it, and how the fucking shipments are coming in. I’ve done everything and more. Where the hell is he?”

Maceo pauses, listening intently to Luke’s response on the other end. His eyes widen before narrowing. “How the fuck am I supposed to know where he is? I have Brass out scouting the city, and two men doing surveillance on Tom Guthrie—everyone else is here on lockdown. Am I supposed to send out more of my men to do recon work for you now? What the hell are your people doing? And don’t tell me they have better things to do when your whole damn station has been waiting years to nab the bastard.”

Another pause before he responds with a snarl. “No shit, there’s a leak in your organization! You better put men and women you trust with Gianna’s security detail before someone gets to her in the damn cell.”

Maceo paces some more before he barks out another response. “Don’t worry about me doing anything stupid. Whatever I fucking do, I’ll be sure to clean it up all nice and tidy, you can count your ass on it.” Maceo hits the end button and throws his phone against the couch where it lands with athud. His Goliath body falls back into the couch cushions, his head leaning against the back. “FUCK!”

My dad comes back into the room with two tumblers and a bottle of Blanton’s. He sits next to Maceo and pours out two large servings, sliding the glass across the coffee table. “Here, son. You need this.”

Maceo takes a long pull of the bourbon and presses the glass to his forehead. “Tell me I did the right thing turning everything over to the authorities. Because right now, I’m second-guessing every call I made.”

My dad sips his drink. “You did the right thing, son.”

Maceo isn’t convinced, shaking his head. “Did I? I’ve got my crew on lockdown, a young woman behind bars possibly in danger, and your daughter can’t stand to look at me. There was part of me that wanted to handle the situation in-house, but I didn’t want blood on my brothers’ hands. It’s one thing getting myself involved in illegal activity and whole holy other dragging down my men with me.”

Dad lays a hand on Maceo’s shoulder. “Jo will come to her senses, don’t worry. It may take time, but she’ll come around. Your men will go where you lead them. They know you wouldn’t make that call unless it was the only way to deal with the issue. As far as this hacker is concerned, I don’t know what to say. You warned the detective to sort his house out, and that’s all you can do.”

Maceo sets his tumbler aside and puts his head in his hands. “You didn’t see the way Josephine looked at me—the hurt and anger I made her feel by helping Gianna.”

Maceo jabs his thumb at his chest. “I caused her pain—me! I’m the one who’s supposed to love and comfort her when her heart is breaking, not all those people in our room.”

Oh, Maceo!My heart is breaking watching my man fall apart.

Once again, my dad tries to reassure him. “My daughter loves you. I know she’ll understand if you give her time. Tomorrow is a new day, and with it, new opportunities to mend hurt feelings.”

Maceo stares sinisterly at the wall. “Getting the police involved was piss poor mistake. I should have gone rogue when I had the chance and finished him myself. Josephine has been through enough with one asshole, and now, there’s another on the loose. Fuck, I should be out there hunting him down.”

“Dear,” mom says quickly. “You only involve yourself when you have no other choice.”

“What exactly did the detective say?” my dad asks.

Maceo sits back. “Everyone was rounded up, aside from Bianchi and his two closest in command—Pretty Paolo and Lucky Luca. Detective Quire believes someone tipped them off.”

“Well, no shit,” mom snaps, throwing her dish rage on the counter.
