Page 118 of Lips On My Soul

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I shake my head. “Nah. Maceo is way hotter and buffer.”

Punk grins. “If Atlas is Jake Ryan, then Jo’s the heroine, Samantha Baker.”

I snort. “Definitely not. I’m not that innocent.”

“I didn’t hear that,” mom says with a disapproving scowl, scrolling through her Kindle.

“Sure, you are,” Punk teases me.

“Would that make you Ted, The Geek, in this storyline?” Simone smirks. “Samantha’s annoying, younger sidekick?”

Punk glowers at Simone. “Nerdy blue-eyed kid, who grows up to be a hunk in real life? Sure, that’s me. I’m guessing you’re Caroline Mulford, the prissy chick from the movie?”

Simone sneers. “I am not the blonde bimbo.”

“Of course, you are! That casting call has you written all over it. If I’m The Geek like you say, you’re totally the bimbo,” Punk continues.

The two of them banter back and forth ‘till I can’t stand it. “You guys do know The Geek and Caroline hook-up in the story.”

Both of them gasp and lean away from me like I coughed Coronavirus on them.

“Gross, sis. That’s incest,” Punk grouses.

“I agree it’s gross, but we aren’t related, moron!”

“Sure, we are. Jo’s my sis. Stella’s my mom. Making you, by default, my evil step-sister.”

“Why you—” my sister starts, but Punk cuts her off.

“Plus, I would never poach my best friend’s woman,” he adds with a devilish grin.

Simone’s eyes double in size. “I’m not Chase’s woman!”

Punk breaks out laughing. “Oh, man. You totally are. Might as well accept fate.”

My mom sighs, tired with the petty adolescent squabble. “Kill them with kindness, Simone.”

“Hate to break it to you, Stella, but neither of your girls inherited the kindness gene.” Punk chuckles. “They inherited the queen-bee gene.”

“You better be referring to our imperialness and not our bitchiness,” I warn, failing to hide my smirk.

Punk shakes with laughter. “More like royal bitchiness.”

Simone bares her teeth, but before she can retaliate, my cell buzzes. Recognizing the number, I raise a hand to silence the room. “Hello?”

“Hello, Miss Holland. It’s Emily from Bellezza in Bianco Bridal Boutique. Wanted to let you know your new bridesmaids’ dresses are in. I went through each garment bag personally and it is indeed the correct dresses this time.”

I let out a sigh of relief. At least my mom is going to be happy. “Thank you, Emily. I’ll have someone swing by today.”

My mom looks at me, her eyes full of hope. “Please tell me it’s a wedding miracle?”

“Yourwedding miracle, yes. Dresses are done and ready,” I answer.

Mom springs from her seat, racing around the room, shoving her feet in her shoes, and putting the chair back.

I sit up in bed. “Mom, what are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m moving my ass and racing into town to grab those dresses before Bianchi snags them.” Mom snaps her fingers at Simone. “Chop, chop, Caroline.”
