Page 15 of Lips On My Soul

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Lorenzo’s eyes flash angrily, but he smiles, his eyes roaming over my body hungrily. It makes me uncomfortable—and I’m used to men ogling me in my line of work. Perhaps I went too far, seeing as it looks like he’s imagines himself in Maceo’s shoes.

His smile is vile. “Can I offer you a ride?”

The sexual innuendo is not lost on me. I glower at him.

His smile grows wider. “A ride to wherever it is you’re storming off to then? You shouldn’t be alone. Atlas’s feud with Esteban Moreno puts you at risk by simply knowing him.”

“No thanks,” I mutter, walking past him. I sure as hell won’t climb in a car with him, I don’t care if Esteban is watching me or not.

Lorenzo hurries to keep up with me. “But Pina, you look exhausted. I know you’re not sleeping. If you were in my bed, I would chase all those bad dreams away and keep you safe. Speaking of keeping you safe, where’s Atlas? I hope he still has you guarded with some sort of security detail? Esteban is still on the loose. It’s too dangerous for you to be alone.”

I shiver at the mention of Esteban, but I’m all too aware the only threat to me at this moment is Lorenzo. I’ve mentioned my fear to Maceo of Lorenzo possibly developing an unhealthy attachment to me, and Maceo said he would handle the mob boss.

As if sensing I’m in danger, I hear the roar of Maceo’s bike drawing near. I give Lorenzo a confident smile. “He’s never far from me.”

Lorenzo sneers as Maceo’s black motorcycle comes to a stop in front of us. Maceo’s eyes gleam as he stares down Lorenzo. Obediently, I walk to my man. Maceo climbs off his bike and wraps both his muscled arms around me, caging me in. He holds me against his broad body, his six-five stature casting a dark shadow over Lorenzo.

“Why the fuck you anywhere near my woman, Bianchi?” Maceo snarls.

Lorenzo’s brown eyes spark with hatred, refusing to back off from a challenge. “You let Pina walk off by herself when you damn well know she should be protected at all times. Esteban could be anywhere waiting to grab her. I stopped when I saw her walking alone on the fucking road. You honestly think I would keep driving and leave her to fate?”

Neither Maceo nor I will admit to Lorenzo we had been arguing, and Maceo was giving me breathing room. Showing any sign of weakness in our relationship would only be kindling for Lorenzo to pursue me.

“Watch yourself,” Maceo spits. “I’ll break your nose again if I have to.”

“Touch me, and I’ll kill you,” Lorenzo threatens menacingly.

“Enough!” I shout. I turn my attention toward Lorenzo. “Thank you for your continued concern for my welfare, but please understand I’m going through some very traumatic shit right now, and Maceo is good enough to give me the room to internalize my emotions when I ask for it.”

Lorenzo actually has the decency to look ashamed. “Giuseppina, I’m sorry for failing you when I promised to help protect you from Jacob. Tiny Tony was a poor choice, and I take full responsibility.”

I shake my head angrily. “Tony nearly died protecting me. No one could have done better. He deserves praise for his bravery.”

Lorenzo’s eyes narrow. “He failed in the one task I gave him, protectingil mioamore.”

Maceo releases his hold on me and storms toward him with his hands balled in fists. Lorenzo gives Maceo a chilling smile, almost like he wants Maceo to start a fight.

Oh boy!This isn’t going to end well.

“Call her yourloveagain, and I’ll end you,” Maceo says darkly.

I yank hard on his arm to stop him from advancing, but Lorenzo’s smile only grows wider, antagonizing Maceo to push closer.

Jared’s truck pulls alongside us, and I blow out a huge fucking sigh of relief. He will be able to help me restrain Maceo.

As if he can see the altercation about to take place, Jared is out of his truck, running in front of Maceo, pushing against him, stopping him from advancing.

“Maceo, look at me. Leash your beast up,” Jared demands. Maceo growls but looks at my friend. Jared is not short at six-foot, but everyone compared to Maceo is small.

Jared tries to reason with Maceo. “He’s not worth it.”

Maceo radiates anger. “The fucker is hitting on my woman.”

My best friend rolls his eyes. “Every guy hits on Jo. Honestly, you think you need to worry? Jo’s not going anywhere. Let him say whatever he wants—it means shit as long as it means nothing to Jo.”

Maceo relaxes, realizing Jared’s right, and he steps away from Lorenzo.

Jared gives Maceo a pointed look. “Jo and I are going back to work, and you’re going to follow us.” He’s not willing to leave Maceo alone with Lorenzo, knowing if he does, one of the two will not be walking away.
