Page 17 of Lips On My Soul

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“Anything for you, Pixie,” he whispers back. He grips my chin and gives me a chaste pec on the lips. He releases me and climbs back on his bike.

I’m about to wave goodbye when I recall our guests. “My parents?”

“Are settling in.” He starts his motorcycle and coasts out of the lot. I watch him ‘till I no longer see his retreating form. With a sigh, I get back to work.

* * *

I spend the next few hours walking around the headquarters’ site, overseeing projects in various stages. This new headquarters is more of an apartment/dormitory system with separate sleeping quarters and communal living spaces. It’s a massive step up from the tiny house they’re currently renting. Not having to share a bunk room is going to go a long way for everyone’s morale.

Mercy Ravens isn’t your typical biker club; they’re a family and prefer compound living. Plus, with the security company Maceo owns and they all work for, having the men on site is beneficial when emergency jobs come in.

I cover a lot of ground, but my mind keeps drifting to today’s events. I also mull over how I’m going to broach the subject of my sleeping arrangements to Maceo. It feels like I’m keeping a secret from him, and I’m not comfortable with it.

I’m distracted when one of my workers tries to talk me out of adding energy rubber tiles as flooring in the basement gym, but I know what I want, and my crew member isn’t going to sway my opinion. Leaving the concrete floors exposed will add acoustics to the room, making it echo.

“Nate, it’s happening. Gyms are loud enough as is. I don’t want the noise traveling throughout the entire house. Rubber tiles will buffer the sound. Plus, it’s a safety element. I want this done today.”

“Okay, boss,” Nate surrenders before heading back into the basement.

A long, lean, tatted arm is thrown haphazardly around my shoulder. Punk chuckles. “You’re not playing hooky after Atlas ambushed you?”

Punk is one of Maceo’s brothers, and out of the twelve members of the MC, he’s my favorite guy outside of Maceo. He’s the annoying little brother I never had. He’s also my bodyguard.

Ever since Maceo and I started dating, Punk has led my security detail when Maceo’s not present. When it first happened, I thought it was overkill, but after the events with Jacob and having Esteban pop up, I accept it.

I give him a warning glare. “Don’t fuck with me right now, Junior.”

Punk looks offended. “Who told you I was a Junior? Was it Atlas? Confidential shit is supposed to stay between brothers.”

“Not now, Punk. I need to figure out how I’m going to break the news to Maceo about my out of control panic attacks, and you and Reaper sleeping next to me,” I say with genuine worry.

Punk grips me the shoulders. “Whoa there, Nelly! Reaper and I already agreed we ain’t saying shit to Atlas. Neither of us has a death wish.”

“Punk, I can’t keep it from him, and my counselor agrees with my decision. If I don’t tell him, you know someone else will. More like Candy will. She may have conceded with the idea of me being Maceo’s old lady, but I don’t put it past her to go squealing to him.”

Candy is one of the MC bunnies who believed she had a shot at being Maceo’s woman until I came along and set her in her place. She has been decent with me—to my face—but behind my back, she runs to Maceo with every little thing to cast me in a bad light.

The tattling started a few days after Jacob attacked me and hasn’t stopped.‘Atlas, Jo went to the bathroom this morning, only wearing her tank top and panties. Atlas, your old lady gave Chase a hug when she got back from work. Atlas, Miss Pencil Skirt was looking cozy with Punk on the couch.’

Gah!The woman has it out for me. It’s one thing to fuck with me, but when she fucks with Maceo’s jealousy…no one is safe.

Punk curses. “Candy needs to mind her own damn business, but you’re right about her ratting on us. How do you want to tackle this?”

“I honestly have no idea. I only know I have to do it, and soon.”

“You want me to be there when the shit goes down, sis?”

“It may be best if you and Reaper are there. He’s going to have questions for you both. Plus, two on one are better odds if Maceo decides to kick both your asses.”

Punk groans but nods, conceding.
