Page 32 of Lips On My Soul

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My parents look at each other before looking back at him. “Son, we’ll take the cottage if you insist, but—” my dad tries to argue again.

“We do insist,” he says with finality, looking at me to see if I agree with him.

How can I possibly tell him he can’t give my parents a house? Money isn’t the issue, I’m willing to rebuild my relationship with my parents, and he wants our future children to have unbreakable bonds with their grandparents.

Maceo has no living relatives, and he started the Mercy Ravens MC as a way to have a surrogate family of brothers. Family means everything to him, which includes mine.

I’ll never deny Maceo what he wants, especially when he’s generous with my overbearing parents. I bite my lip, tears sneaking out and rolling down my cheeks.

Maceo’s stern demeanor softens when he takes in my face. “Baby,” he whispers lovingly, kissing the tear away.

I close my eyes and lean into him, counting my blessing for having this amazing man in my life.
