Page 67 of Lips On My Soul

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Maceo remains unconvinced.

“She’s right,” Simone says behind me. “Fighting is kind of our thing. It has been since she was two years old and would terrorize me.”

I turn toward my sister, rolling my eyes. “I was fucking two. How terrorizing can a toddler be?”

“Tell that to the crescent-shaped scars you left on my upper arm with your serrated baby teeth. You were like a rabid animal mom and dad set loose in the house,” Simone argues.

“Right, and you were the prodigal child sitting on her thrown, who could do no wrong, but behind closed doors, you were a witch who would lock me in the basement,” I retort.

“You were such a tattletale! Biggest pain in my ass. ‘Oh, dad! Simone had a boy over when you weren’t home. Oh, mom! Simone didn’t do her chores,’” she mimics in a poor interpretation of my voice.

If she wants to dance, I’ll fucking dance.

We circle each other in the front yard like two karate fighters looking for our opponent’s weakness. Find and strike, even if it’s only with words.

“Oh, gee, look at me! I’m Simone Holland, and I’m fucking perfect—perfect grades, perfect boyfriends, perfect job. I’m the apple of my parents’ eyes. Everything I touch turns to gold, and when I shit, it smells like roses and a botanical garden is formed. I’m just so fucking PERFECT!”

Simone growls and I swear her nails grow into talons. “Take it back. We both know you were the favorite. ‘Oh, look what I built in the garage, dad. I dusted for you, mom.’ Gah! You’re such a kiss-ass!”

Oh, it’s on now.

If there is anything I have perfected over the years from fighting with my sister, it’s the art of tongue lashing.

“I’m the kiss-ass?! If you could find a surgeon willing to do it, you’d have your lips attached to our parents’ asses—that’s how much of a kiss-ass you are, you kiss-ass!”

“You’re such a bitch!” Simone rages.

This is escalating quickly and I’m losing my cool. “Takes one to know one, Simone. Ugh! Can’t you just apologize already?”

Simone balks. “Apologize? What the fuck for?”

Is she serious right now? How can she not know what I’m talking about? “For being an unsupportive sister when I needed you most. For telling me I was an idiot for quitting the firm.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She gives a small laugh. “You want me to apologize for telling you that you were stupid for leaving a job without notice? Newsflash, leaving any job without notice, is the definition of stupid.”

That’s it!

Next thing I know, the claws are out. Simone and I are rolling on the ground, grabbing at each other’s hair and clothing, screaming, and biting like hellcats.

“Holy shit!” Maceo springs into action and tries to pull us apart, but when Simone and I reach this point, nothing can stop us. We both push Maceo off of us as a team before going back at each other.

“Fuck!” Maceo yells. “RAVENS!”

Well, shit. Maceo is going to bring all his brothers to the yard to try to break up our scuffle. I need to get in my heavy hits now before it’s too late. My sister must be thinking the same thing. We both increase the intensity of our fighting skills, rolling around on the ground like two kids on a playground.

“Hot damn!” I hear one of the men say. “Catfight!”

The men come charging out of the headquarters, whistling, and chanting, “Fight, fight, fight.”

“Stop!” Maceo screams at his men, clearly distressed with them encouraging us.

Simone uses her upper body strength to grab my wrists and pin me to the ground. She straddles my waist, immobilizing me. I have a moment of sheer panic. “Don’t you dare!”

She makes the most cringe-worthy sound of clearing the back of her throat and produces a giant spit loogie.

“Don’t youfuckingdare!” I scream at my sister.

Simone slowly lowers the spit loogie ‘till it’s dangling above the tip of my nose.
