Page 69 of Lips On My Soul

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My dad shrugs. “It definitely does give us something to look forward to in our old age, but it was not the determining factor. We didn’t want to feel like a burden for you, sweetie. Maceo wants us to have a close relationship with the kids they plan on having.”

“Again, with the kids. Can we at least get married first? We don’t know if we can even have them,” I scoff.

Maceo gives me a pointed look. “My boys are good and ready to go. We both know I’m giving you twins at least twice over.”

“Not the time, Maceo,” I chide.

Simone struggles to hold in her tears. “So, because I chose to have a career and put off having a family, you’re moving to where you have a family?”

Mom takes Simone’s hands in hers. “There’s no reason to stay in California if it’s only to have you visit once a year, honey. You can travel once a year to where we live.”

Simone wipes aggressively at a tear running down her face. “Well, did you consider that maybe I need you and moving out here only makes it more difficult for me to visit?”

“Simone, you don’t need us. You’re an independent woman who needs help from no one. You have a successful job, bring in a great income, and recently moved into a beautiful condo. You have everything all together,” my dad says with reassurance.

Simone shakes her head with agitation. “I’ve got shit. And now I don’t have my parents near me either.”

“Dear, that’s not true—” my mom starts to argue, but my sister cuts her off.

“Yes, mom, it is. I’ve got no job, no condo, no security, no future plans, nothing but what I have on me.”

My parents look horrified. I recognize the look because I was the unlucky recipient of it when I left Jacob after he stole my promotion.

Oh, fuck!

“What about Trent?” mom whispers.

“Who’s Trent?” Chase asks with steel in his voice.

My thoughts exactly.She hadn’t been in a relationship when I moved away from California, only dating here and there, but nothing serious.

Simone sneers at the mention of Trent’s name. “My boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend, now.”

My dad looks pained. “You two broke up?”

“No, dad. I dumped his ass,” Simone says proudly.

“Thank fuck,” I hear Chase mumble under his breath. I shoot him a dirty look because if he thinks he’s going to get freaky with my sister, he and I are going to have a problem. My sister is a good girl and doesn’t do casual hook-ups. I’ll be damned if I let any of the men in Maceo’s crew treat her like anything less than a queen.

My mom chokes on a sob. “Why? Why would you break up with him?”

“Because after traveling on an eight-hour flight back home from New York a day early to surprise Trent on his birthday, I walked in on him fucking my boss in our bed,” Simone seethes.

Something about my sister’s ordeal is bringing on déjà vu. I look over at her Mercedes-Benz SUV and see it packed to the gills.

Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

My mom looks frantic, her face lined with worry. “But your job?”

“And the condo?” my dad mimics our mom’s panic tone.

I throw up my arms between my sister and my parents. This is exactly how my fallout with my parents happened, and I won’t let it happen to Simone. “Nope. Not happening. Mom, Dad, go cool off. You need to think before you speak—need I remind you what we went through?”

My mom looks at me with tears. “But her career—”

“Will be fine. She’s a damn good accountant. Companies will be throwing money at her to get her in the door,” I say firmly.

Simone crosses her arms over her curvy bust. “And the condo was never in my name—Trent never wanted me on the title. I’m free and clear,” Simone adds.
