Page 79 of Lips On My Soul

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Gauge turns to me. “We need to jump on this, Atlas.”

“With what men?” I fume. “We’re already spread thin. Stage, Eagle, and Reaper are out of state working a security gig and won’t be back for another two days. Chase needs his team. I promised we’d provide security to Tom until the shooter is caught. I can hold off scheduling jobs, but it’s not going to help us at this second.”

Gauge turns to Chase. “How many men does he have with him?”

“According to sources near the border, four men plus Esteban,” Chase says.

Gauge looks back at me. “Two-man job. We go in and get the fuck out.”

I’m biting at the bit to go right now, but I hesitate.

Tony’s words roll around in my head—the real threat is in my backyard. Bianchi put a hit out on Tom tonight, possibly because he discovered he flipped sides, or maybe because he feared what Tom could reveal if caught. Clearly, the man has no problem taking another life, and I wouldn’t put it past him to come after my crew or me.

“Atlas?” Gauge asks.

I shake my head. “I can’t leave the war on our doorstep to go start a battle with another enemy.”

“Then I’ll take Punk,” Gauge says.

“No. I’m not putting two of my men in harm’s way. Esteban is my problem. I need to lead the attack.”

“You can’t be in two places at once, Prez,” Chase points out.

“I know. But I can’t ask any of you to go after Esteban for me.”

Gauge sighs. “Is it Jo? Are you worried about putting her at risk?”

“Of course it’s about her, as well as the rest of this family,” I nearly growl.

“I don’t want to fight with you, brother, but you either trust your crew to take care of Esteban and watch over the family and your woman, or you don’t trust us at all. Which is it?” Gauge challenges.

I look at the ceiling. He’s right. We can’t pass up an opportunity to let Esteban escape. I either go with him now or assign one of my brothers to assist Gauge.

Deep down, I know I can’t assign anyone else—Esteban is my problem to deal with. My brothers are more than competent in guarding Josephine and keeping the family safe.

I give the order. “Let’s get our bags and go. Chase, you’re in charge ‘till we come back home. Have Punk and Tony with my woman at all times. Keep a three-man rotation on Tom and contact me with any updates on his condition or information on the shooter. We should be back in a couple of days.”

Gauge nods, striding from the room. I follow close behind and come back out to the main living space. Punk and Opal are watching Netflix with Josephine asleep between them. I bend over to lay a gentle kiss on her head, knowing it may be a while ‘till I’m able to give her another.

Punk lifts an eyebrow to me, sensing a change in the air. “You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Gauge and I are leaving in twenty.”

Hearing Gauge is going on assignment, Opal stands from the couch and goes to him. He pulls her aside and whispers to her. She gets teary-eyed, but nods her head. Gauge pulls her into an embrace, and I look away. I want to be able to do the same with Josephine, but I can’t.

Punk looks at my sleeping beauty. “Do you want to wake her? Let her know what’s up?”

I shake my head. “If she knows, she’ll try to stop me.” I don’t add that she would probably convince me to stay too, and with little effort. I don’t want to leave her, ever. But if there’s a chance to cut the head off the snake, I can’t turn down the opportunity.

Lorenzo is a current threat, but Esteban is the constant threat—as long as he lives, we’re all in danger.

Punk’s eyes go wide. “Is it him?” He doesn’t need to say the name—he knows there’s only one person who is deadly enough to drag me away from Josephine and go charging into battle.

I give a curt nod.

Punk’s eyes roll to the ceiling. “She’s going to kill you, ya know? And she is going to be one flaming, pissed-off hellcat to the rest of us.”

I smile, knowing the description he paints is accurate. “Her night episodes are few and far between. Could you stay in the room with her?”
