Page 92 of Lips On My Soul

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Simone takes his credit card and raises an eyebrow. “Shawn Brighton?”

Chase nods. “My name—myrealname. Bianchi and this hacker won’t know it’s me, hopefully.”

My mom swipes the card from my sister and shoos her back into the bathroom. “Hurry and change. We don’t have time to fuck around. We need to head back to the boutique and get this shit straightened out.”

* * *

What a crap-tastic day all around. After the dress-fiasco was taken care of and the new dresses ordered under Chase’s real identity, we came back to headquarters and crashed.

It’s early evening, and we’ve eaten dinner as a massive family. With the kitchen cleaned, I’m chilling on one of the couches in the living area with Punk. Some DIY show is playing, but it doesn’t hold my interest the way it normally does. Something else has grabbed my attention entirely.

I’m pretending to watch the television, but I’m secretly snooping on Punk texting with Maceo. The operation was a bust of catastrophic proportions, and my man is raging. The trail has run cold on Esteban, and he and Gauge are on their way home. From where they are currently, I know they’ll be arriving back home around midnight.

A deliciously evil plan starts to formulate in my head. I was super pissed when I woke up last Saturday to discover Maceo had peeled off on this cockamamie operation without telling me. My planned punishment for him was to banish him to the couch in our room, but after the shit day I’ve had, I’m in desperate need of an angry fuck. Knowing Maceo is as enraged as I am, means he’d be giving it to me hard and rough the way I love it.

I fake a yawn and excuse myself, claiming to be going to bed.

Punk smiles at me. “Sleep tight, sis.”

I notice he doesn’t say he’ll be joining me as my night terror officer, meaning he’s not planning on entering my suite. This can only mean that Maceo will be home to fill in for the job. I quickly let Hades outside to do his business. He finishes and runs back inside to snuggle back on the couch with Punk. I make my way upstairs. It takes everything in me not to sprint and give myself away.

When I get in my suite, I notice Simone is already asleep in my bed. She’s been sharing a bed with me since Maceo’s been gone. I guess it’s helped. I didn’t have night terrors at least.

I shake her. “Simone. Get up.”

She frowns in her sleep and rolls over.

“Simone! Wake up!”

She opens her eyes and scowls. “What’s your deal?”

“Maceo is coming home.” I jump off the bed and open my dresser drawers looking for something kinky to wear.

Maceo has a love for lingerie—obsession, really. He even got a Victoria Secret credit card just to get the perks. I’m not complaining. If he wants to splurge on panties for me, who am I to deny him?

She leans upright on her elbows. “I thought you were going to hold out?”

I dig to the bottom of my underwear drawer and pull out the pheromone oil. “I was, but…”

Simone sits straight up. “Are you sure that’s wise? I’m guessing he’s packing donkey dick, and you may not be able to walk tomorrow.”

I throw my head back and laugh. She’s not far off on the donkey dick comment. “Shut up and help me.”

After buffing and moisturizing, Simone helps me with my hair. She gives me a hug and wishes me luck before going to her room. I apply lip gloss, but no makeup—Maceo likes me most when I’m natural.

Grinning, I slip on my lingerie and dab the pheromone oil on my trigger spots, going a step further and applying a drop to the insides of my pelvis.

As it gets closer to Maceo’s arrival, I set the mood in the room—dim lights, candles lit, covers turned down, and some soulful tunes that Maceo loves to dance to. For such a rough and tumble man, Maceo sure loves softer music.

Giddy, I sit back on the bed and wait for my man.
