Page 123 of Lips On My World

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Chapter Forty-One


The last week has been productive. Yet, I still have no idea where Esteban or Josephine are located. The only silver lining has been burning Esteban’s cash crops a month before the June harvest as we make our way south. We’ve hit as many as possible, knowing it will set a fire under the douche canoes ass and possibly flush him out of hiding.

The dickhead hasn’t come out yet, but it’s only a matter of time—there’s only so much disrespect a tyrant can endure before snapping.

My crew is tired, but no one is complaining, least not to me. They’re as committed to bringing Jo home as I am.

Several of my brothers are eager to get back home to their women, but we left our family in good hands. Captain Warren and mypadre’sold SEAL team six are guarding headquarters along with Darnel and Lloyd. PT is manning tech back home, allowing everyone else to be here with me.

Gauge saunters up to me. “Burn it?”

“To the ground,” I order, my voice void of emotion.

Gauge whistles and lassos the air with his finger. “You heard Prez. Let's paint the sky black.”

My men lay torches to the dense foliage, creating a domino effect throughout the fields. Fire licks through hundreds of acres, leaving nothing but ash in its wake. Satisfied with the destruction, I walk back to the jeeps with my men following.

Today was San Rafael, tomorrow will be Andacollo in Neuquén if Esteban doesn’t make contact. Until then, I will scorch the earth.

I’m flipping through coordinates on my tablet when my phone chimes. Punk throws the vehicle in park, anxious to see if it’s the first contact. The rest of our caravan stop as well, all eyes on me. I pull the cell from my tactical vest holding up my hand to silence everyone. The number is not one I recognize, but more importantly, it’s a WhatsApp video call.

Please, please, please…

My emotions need to remain hidden. I pull my aviator glasses over my eyes. The less he can read on my face, the better. I clear my throat and answer. “Yes?”

Esteban’s smug face fills the screen. “Hijo. I hear you’ve been busy. Perhaps it’s time we talk.” The camera pans around and my heart lurches in my chest seeing Josephine in a chair. She’s wearing a surgical gown, her round belly stretching the material out.

“Maceo,” she chokes on a sob when her eyes land on mine.

My throat bobs as I swallow. “Josephine.” There’s so much more I want to say, but time is of the essence. I only ask for the necessities. “Are you okay?”

She breaks down in tears when Esteban rips the camera away from her. “She’s well taken care of, Maceo. But my patience wears thin with the havoc you’re causing.”

He abducts my wife and has the nerve to act like I’m causing him grief? Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

“Give me back my wife and I’ll stop,” I say deadpan.

Esteban laughs—fucking laughs like some kind of maniacal comic villain. “No, Maceo. You come to me, take your rightful place as my heir, and then you’ll be reunited with her.”

“We’re in Argentina in a villa, in a mountain range surrounded by crops!” Josephine shouts.

Esteban sucks in a ragged breath. I hold mine in my chest.

“Josefina,” Esteban warns menacingly, placing the cell down facing her.

Pixie, be careful.I understand what she’s doing, but it’s too great a risk.

Chase starts typing feverishly into his tablet, seeing what pops up.

“There’s a large lake in the valley below. Looks like freshwater, could be an old volcano or glacial,” Jo continues.

With a vicious growl, Esteban’s steps into the frame of the camera. His fingers fist into Josephine’s hair, tugging sharply. She yelps, clawing at his hand.

“I said shut your mouth, Josefina,” he snarls.

“Let her go,” I holler, my emotions getting the best of me. If I was there, I’d rip his goddamn arm from his body.
