Page 126 of Lips On My World

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Chapter Forty-Two


Esteban sets his cell on his desk after hanging up on Maceo. He runs a hand over his face, sighing heavily as he considers the offer Maceo put on the table.

The goal was always to bring his son home, have him learn the trade, and eventually step aside for Maceo to take over and take the business to new levels. It is what his father had done with him, and his father’s father before him. This was tradition and expected. Esteban wanted to do the same for his heir. He also wants his heir to do the same for his heirs.

It was a dynasty that needed to continue long after he turned to dust. It was how you lived on long after you were gone, like kings of old. You take the legacy handed to you, build upon it, and pass it to the next to do the same—each man placing his stamp on it and be remembered by those who follow.

Maceo was his heir, his only heir, and Esteban had always intended to have him take his place with him.

But the game changed when Esteban learned Maceo was having children of his own. Josefina was to be used as a bargaining chip to lure Maceo to him, and it worked. Maceo has offered himself in his wife’s stead. The holdup was Esteban wanted all of them now.

He wanted his son to have the life he should have had with the woman he chose and the children they made together.

The future of Esteban’s empire was secure for generations if he has Maceo and his family. If he accepts his son's offer, he would lose the future. He couldn’t will his son to take another woman and impregnate her to provide more heirs, no more than Esteban could’ve after he lost Gabriella. Some things can’t be forced.

His eyes look up toward the wall at Gabriella’s photo.“¿Que hago, Gabriella?”

What to do, indeed.

Esteban has always been sure of what paths to take in his life aside from one. A crossroad had forced him to make a hasty decision, and he regretted his choice ever since. Leaving Gabriella and Maceo at the hospital had cost him his family.

Now he was faced with another, one that wouldn’t affect only him but his son.

Life as a drug lord is dangerous for those who are tied to the family. Esteban had left Maceo in the States as a child because things became too heated in the industry. Esteban could always retrieve his son’s family later if that was what he feared.

The absurdity of that line of thought makes Esteban scoff at himself. Josefina has been in danger since coming into the MC. There’s little to no difference between the two lifestyles. She has fared well with what she’s already been through—she would do well in a cartel too.

The children would be more at risk, but Esteban would do everything in his power to keep them safe.

Esteban didn’t want to make another hasty decision and chose incorrectly. It was an understatement to say his relationship with his son was strained—it was volatile. He didn’t want to make it any more so.

No. He would sit on this some more before making a decision.

In the meantime, Esteban needed to check on his daughter-in-law. He had handled her roughly and left her in a state of turmoil before handing her over to his men.

He strides from his office toward her bedroom. Doctor Gomez is exiting her room when he arrives at her door.

The doctor bows his head slightly in greeting. “Señor Moreno.”

“How is she?”

“She is distraught. Her blood pressure is elevated enough to cause concern. I’m ordering her to be on bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy.

Esteban’s jaw ticks. “And the babies?”

“If she were to give birth at this point, the babies would most likely need a NICU. They could be fine with their size, but I’m not willing to risk it.”

A plethora of curses are on his tongue, but he bites them back. “She cannot lose the babies. Give her whatever care to ensure that does not happen.”

Going into her room to check on her is out of the question. His presence will only make her more upset and put her more at risk of preterm labor.

He retreats to his study, slamming the door. The last thing he needs is for Maceo’s wife to develop preeclampsia or for the babies to be born too soon. Maceo would never accept his rightful place if he lost any of them.

Moving her could be dicey, but he may have no choice if he’s to obtain Maceo.

He needed to choose carefully or risk losing it all.
