Page 132 of Lips On My World

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Punk is several yards away from the rest of the crew, sitting on a boulder overlooking the dense forest below. He seems lost in thought as I approach. He doesn’t notice me until I’m on top of him, looking up in surprise.

I settle myself on the rock next to him, afraid to open my mouth and say the words I can’t stomach to speak. We both let the silence hang in the air, staring off into the wilderness.

“We need to talk, bro,” I say with a shaky breath.

Punk’s brows pull together, his back stiffening as he looks over at me. “About what?”

“About what’s going to happen if I don’t make it out of this mess.”

Punk shakes his head. “There’s nothing to talk about, Prez. We’ll get you out. We didn’t allow Chase to microchip for cheap thrills. Everything is going to go off without a hitch.”

Wish I shared my brother’s optimism, but as president of this MC, I’ve always had to look at everything from a realistic standpoint.

But his positivity is good…it will be good for her if I’m gone.

I rub my chest where my heart aches for Josephine. I need to rip the Band-Aid off and cut to the chase. “Still, we need to go over shit.”

With his brow still creased, Punk glares at me. “Stop talking like shits going to go south. Haven’t you ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy? If you think or talk about something enough, it’s bound to come true.”

“I’m not fucking around, Punk?” I growl, irritated that he keeps cutting me off.

“Neither am I, Atlas,” he snaps back.

This mission has everyone on edge, but Punk…he seems to sense what I want to discuss, and he’s not on board. Well, he needs to get on board, right fucking now.

“If something happens to me—”

“Stop,” Punk interrupts me.

“I need you to—”

“I said, fucking stop!”

“Take care of Josephine and my boys,” I finally choke out.

Punk sucks in a ragged breath and quickly stands. He paces with his fists on his hips, shaking his head. “Unbelievable. If Josephine heard you right now, she would smack the ever-loving shit out of you. Not my place, bro. That’s yours.”

“I need your word that you’ll take care of her.”

Punk scoffs. “Why wouldn’t I? She’s family.”

“I mean like she’s your own woman,” I say bitterly. He has to hear the desperation in my voice to know how serious I am.

Punk freezes in places, his mouth drops open and his eyes widen. “WHAT?!”

“Don’t make me repeat it.”

My fourth-in-command’s body jerks, doing a full-body shiver. “Gah!”

“Stop fucking around, Punk. I’m serious,” I blast heatedly.

“No! You shut the fuck up, Atlas,” Punk retorts, his nostrils flaring. “Stop talking nonsense. We’re going to make the trade, get Jo to safety, come back to save your sorry ass, and you’re going to kill Esteban. That’s it. There’ll be no filling in for you because you’re not fucking going anywhere.”

I stand on unsteady legs, swallowing my emotions. “You love her.”

Punk’s blue eyes shoot to mine. This jaw ticks and his face grows redder with his anger. “Yeah, like a sister. Get your twisted thoughts straight.”

Yes, he loves her like a sibling, but I need him to hear me out. I raise my hands in surrender. “You would protect her with your life, keep her safe and sound.”
