Page 136 of Lips On My World

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Punk snags her, shielding her with his body. Tank covers Punk’s back as he carries her off, protecting their flanks.

It’s the moment that Josephine realizes I’ve switched places with her. “No. No. NO! Maceo! NO!” Her screams drowning out the closer Punk gets her to the chopper.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

A second later, my knees are kicked out from under me. Several men wrestle me to the ground. I struggle to shake them off, but there’s at least half a dozen of them. As my arms are being tied behind my back, I watch from my prone position as Punk lifts Josephine in the chopper. As soon as the door is closed, it’s taking off.

She’s safe.

A hood is thrown over my head, removing my sense of sight completely.

Nu-uh. I’m not going out like this.I resist.

Suddenly, shots are being fired. With Josephine out of harm’s way, my brothers and Piero’s men have opened fire. A heavy body falls on top of mine, making me gasp. A few seconds later, a warm wetness pools over my body.

Good.I hope my crew takes them all out. But that’s unlikely. They outnumber us two to one. I pray my men remain smart and regroup somewhere safe.

The dead body on top of me is removed. Someone grabs me under my pits, dragging me away from the direction of my men. I make myself as deadweight as possible. I’m a heavy fucker and I refuse to be taken without a fight.

The bastard carrying me loses his grip. Falling to the ground, I quickly roll to my feet and take off at a sprint. I have no idea where I’m running because of the fucking hood, but it’s in the direction of the gunfire. Without fearing being shot, I charge, knowing my men got my back.

Something collides with my side and I go down hard, practically knocking the wind from my chest. I’m grabbed again and yanked backward. I can’t allow myself to be thrown into one of the jeeps. My chance of escape is the greatest it’s going to be at this moment. Once I’m in that vehicle, my odds are cut in half. I kick out with my legs, digging into the dirt to stop their advance.

My legs are grabbed and I’m flaying my body to throw off their momentum. I hear panicked shouts over the gunfire from both sides as I’m hefted up into one of the vehicles. I struggle harder, kicking my legs out at my captives, but the jeep is already rolling, speeding away from the war zone.

Fighting like a corned tiger, I sweep out my legs connecting with someone. I do it again and again, knowing that this may be my last opportunity to escape.

Something heavy connects with the front of my skull and everything goes black.
