Page 147 of Lips On My World

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Time to put the nails in the coffin.

“I’m not your son. Cruz Tabares is the father I choose.”

Esteban fires off a shot, but I’m already moving. I run, sliding into Esteban like I’m trying to steal second base. He falls over me, losing his grip on the gun. It skitters away from our scuffle. We wrestle, each of us trying to gain the upper hand. Esteban fights dirty, but I counter. No matter how many punches he volleys, I dare not lose my position from on top.

My inner beast springs to life as my fist connects with his face. Then again, and again.

Back and forth, my fists makes contact, pounding on his face with intent. I pour all my anger, all my pain into each hit. I made a promise to leave my rage behind here on judgment day. No longer will the ghosts of my past torture my present. It all ends here—now.

Punch, punch, punch.

Esteban stops fighting back, but still, I carry on wailing on him. My punches become mechanical even as my knuckles scream in protest.

Aware my entire crew has joined me out on the terrace, I stop pummeling Esteban.

Panting with exertion, I look into the faces of all my brothers. They watch intently with no intention of stopping me.

I glance at the misshapen face belonging to the man who has hurt me deeper than anyone should. I said I’d make his death slow and painful. Seems I doubled down on that promise.

I push away from Esteban’s tenderized face and sit on the ground staring at him, trying to catch my breath.

“Maceo…” he gurgles, blood spurting from his mouth.

Piero’s words pop into my head. ‘You finish the job with your own bare hands.’

Determined to end this, I crawl back over his body, straddling his waist, and wrap my hands around his neck. With every last bit of my strength, I squeeze.

He wheezes, his hands helplessly gripping at my forearms.

“Por mimadre.”Squeeze.

“Para mi padre.”Squeeze.

“For my wife.”Squeeze.

“For my children.”Squeeze.

“And for me.”Crunch.

I watch as the light fades from his eyes and cloud over. It’s only then that I release my hold.

My body shakes as I stand to my feet. Covered in his blood, I am reborn. The sky opens and rains down on me, baptizing me clean.

It is done.

I am free.

Gauge steps forward, slapping me on the shoulder. “Welcome back, Prez.”


There is so much to process, but I only have one thing on my mind.

“Take me to my family.”
