Page 158 of Lips On My World

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“Some things never change,” Atlas says with a low chuckle.

Chase makes his way across the room toward us. “We’ll continue our foreplay later, Numbers.”

Simone stands and hands off the baby to Red. She turns to face Chase, folding her slender arms over her chest and cocking her hip. The woman wears an attitude like it’s a second skin. “If you think we’re hooking up later, then you’re a bigger moron than your best friend.”

Punk’s fists fly above his head. “YES! I’ve been upgraded.”

Chase responds by kissing the air at her. Simone harrumphs and exits the room with Chase staring at her the whole way.

“Fuck. I’m in love,” he says under his breath.

My hand flies up to my mouth, disguising my laugh as a cough. But Atlas throws his head back, booming with laughter.

“Welcome to the club, bro,” Atlas says. “Out of curiosity, what did you say to piss her off?”

Chase shrugs with a smile. “Told her we’d have our own within the year.”

Atlas hoots, high-fiving Chase.

I face-palm my forehead. “I’m surrounded by idiots. Do you honestly think talking to Simone like that is scoring you any points?”

“Worked for Atlas. Figured if it worked on Jo, it’d probably work on Simone, seeing as they’re sisters.”

Unbelievable.I’m sandwiched between two asshats.I shake my head.

Chase looks over at Opal then back at us. “Found something on our pedo,” Chase whispers.

Standing at attention, I’m instantly alert.

Months of searching for the prick who hurt Opal were put on hold to safely bring Atlas and his family home. For months I kept my girlfriend close to me, or in the care of those I trusted. Watching her fall apart from this creep reemerging in her life was the most heartbreaking experience I’ve gone through to date. Opal is pure sunshine and to see her shutdown is agony. More than anything, I want to make her comfortable enough to come entirely out of her shell again. The problem is she won’t be able to be herself until the man is eliminated.

But Chase has finally been able to dig deep for information on the sexual deviant who forced himself on her.

Finally, justice will be paid back in full and with a double dose of interest.

Atlas lays a hand on my shoulder to ground me, much like what I’ve always done for him. My, how the tables have turned.

I take in a lung full of air and let it out slowly. Shits about to go down and I need to be composed when it does. My fury is contained below a thin layer of composure as I look at Chase. “Tell me everything.”
