Page 25 of Lips On My World

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Chapter Nine


“Hades, you beast, stop pulling,” I snap, fighting to control him on the leash.

This morning has been busy. It’s the start of our first full work week since returning from our honeymoon. After a brief run, we rushed to get clean and take Hades in for his appointment with Doctor Violet. I’m in desperate need of coffee and breakfast at the diner, but here I am, being jerked around a parking lot by our hellhound.

Hades snorts through his muzzle, yanking me to the veterinary clinic door. I swear we have the weirdest pet. He’s the only dog who gets excited about going to the vet. It must be something with all the other animal scents that attract him. Or maybe because Doctor Violet gives him treats. He will not be happy if she refuses to give him a biscuit because of his recent weight gain.

Josephine hurries ahead of us to open the door. Hades nearly rips my shoulder from its socket, bounding into the clinic. “Damn dog,” I mutter.

We check in with reception and sit in the waiting area. Hades walks around the clinic, sniffing everything like a bloodhound. He spots one of the clinic cats lying on the reception counter and starts whimpering with excitement. The cat hisses at him, but Hades is unfazed. He sits back on his hind legs like he’s begging for a treat. He whines, wanting the cat to come closer.

I lean toward my woman and whisper, “He wouldn’t eat the furball, would he?”

Josephine smacks my arm playfully. “He’s not Max fromMan’s Best Friend. All he wants is to sniff its butt and cuddle. Our boy is a lover. He only becomes an asshole when he’s provoked, a lot like hispapá.”

I chuckle. She’s not totally off the mark.

“Hadeeesss,” Doctor Violet sings.

Hades immediately abandons his fruitless endeavors with the clinic cat and trots over to his vet, wagging his stubby tail. She pats his head affectionately and waves for us to follow her to the back clinic room. Our beast sits through his exam like a champ, even letting the vet draw blood for his labs. He gained five pounds, and I suspect a diet is in his near future.

“No diet needed,” Doctor Violet answers. “With you returning to a normal routine, he’ll return to his normal routine too. The weight will come off with running. Ask your mom to lay off giving him table scraps ‘till his weight is under control.”

I grimace. “The dog only runs with Josephine, but in a few months it may not be an option.”

Josephine looks alarmed. “What are you doing?”

“Telling the vet how it is,” I explain to my wife before looking at Doctor Violet. “We’re pregnant with twins.”

“We don’t know if it’s twins,” Josephine quickly corrects.

I stare deadpan at the vet. “It’s twins. He’s become overly aggressive with me and nearly every other male when we get too close to Jo. There may come a time she won’t be able to run with Hades because of early labor or after the babies are born. The dog won’t run with me or anyone else. He hates the treadmill. He’ll only do it if Josephine is on the treadmill next to him. What can we do to make sure he’s getting proper exercise and isn’t an asshole to the rest of the male population?”

Doctor Violet’s lip twitches with amusement as she holds up a finger. “I think I have a solution. Give me one moment.” She disappears out the door and quickly returns with a small, gray lump of fur in her arms. “This little lady may be what he needs to keep him active and control his aggression.”

The little pup turns its head toward us, sniffing the air.

“Oh, my goodness!” Josephine steps forward with her hands steepled against her mouth. “Is she a Cane Corso?”

Ah, hell!

Doctor Violet smiles, knowing she has Josephine snagged. “Purebred too. She was the runt of the litter, so her mother rejected her. Without the mother taking care of her, she grew weak and got sick. The owners dropped her off to have her put down. I couldn’t allow it. I took her in, and I bottle fed her for four weeks. She’s as strong as the rest of her litter now, only smaller.”

Josephine thrusts out her hands eagerly. “May I hold her?”

“Of course.” Doctor Violet places the puppy in my wife’s arms. I sense I’m going to lose this battle. Hades keeps trying to get a better look at the puppy, but Josephine is hogging the silver pup. The puppy sniffs at Josephine, creeping up her chest to her face, taking a tentative lick at her nose. Josephine giggles before gasping.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, alarmed. Is she in pain? Is it the babies?

Josephine turns the pup, showing me its face. I’m met with a pair of stunning blue eyes. The dog’s eyes are nearly the same color as my Pixie’s.

I’m screwed.

Josephine comes closer to me, holding out the puppy with the biggest smile on her elfin face. “She’s beautiful.”

I scowl at Josephine, knowing what she’s doing. If I hold the furball, the thing is coming home with us. I fold my arms across my chest in a stubborn last-ditch effort.
