Page 3 of Lips On My World

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Chapter One


Three hours.

That’s all the time I’m allocating to complete this mission. Three hours to grab the dirty bastard who put his hands on my girl. To beat the snot, blood, and shit out of him before disposing of his corpse. To avenge all the other women this scumbag has assaulted over his lifetime.

The time doesn’t justify the punishment for his hideous crimes—he deserves far worse. It’s more of a mercy killing, actually—more mercy than he deserves. Fitting since the MC I belong to is the Mercy Ravens.

I punch the steering wheel. “Fuck!” I hiss.

Butch side-eyes me from the passenger seat of our unmarked van but remains mute. He’s not much of a talker, preferring to keep his thoughts to himself. I can respect his preference for silence—I’m not much of a gabber either. I’m accustomed to the humming of computers versus talking. It’s a good thing, too, since I lead the cyber intelligence branch of Atlas’s security company.

But I’m no fool. I know why Butch is along on this ride instead of my best friend and partner in crime, Punk. Since I’m responsible for knowing our MC’s ins and outs, my eyes are everywhere. There isn’t a corner or square inch of dead space on Atlas’s property that’s not monitored with surveillance. Hell, there’s not a surveillance system I can’t hack into in all of Fort Collins.

My eyes see everything, and what I’ve spied tells me Butch has feelings for one of the club women, Candy. I’ve seen him sit with her, not talking but listening while she sheds her tears, releasing the poison from her soul. She’s a complex woman with a shit-ton of baggage.

I won’t lie—I’m no fan of hers. Her attitude borders selfishness and viciousness. Or it did. However, I’m aware her personality results from a tragic life and her survival instincts.

Lucky Luca may have groped Simone, but he was a sadist with Candy, beating and raping her for fucking years before we took her in.

Therefore Butch insisted on being my plus one tonight. Who am I to deny him his revenge?

Punk wasn’t happy about being left out. I get it—he and I are a team, much like Atlas and Gauge. We do everything together—have since our SEAL days. But Atlas gave the order to play it by the books.

In and out and keep it clean. Leave no trail to follow. Our rule in the MC is never to go on a mission alone—we must pair everyone up. This means the Luca assignment is a two-man show. Me and Butch.

Besides, I needed Punk back home to watch over Simone like the good bodyguard he is. They may not get along the greatest, but Punk is the best at security, and Simone is my everything.

Simone.Hell, I never imagined myself settling like Atlas and Gauge, but since she showed up at headquarters, she’s all I want. The day Atlas asked me to hack into Jo’s social media accounts, Simone had my attention. I would close my eyes at night, and her silver eyes would appear in my dreams.

The day she arrived, I thought I was looking at an angel on the doorbell cam. I rushed my ass to answer the door and finally lay eyes on her. Her snarky remarks and rebuff only made me more determined to make her mine. I’ve been gunning for her like a desperate fool for weeks, and I finally got a taste of her a few days ago. Unfortunately for me, she freaked out and has been playing hide and seek since.

As soon as we wrap this shit up, I’m heading home, claiming her sassy mouth with my lips, and taking her to bed. Well, as long as she lets me…Fuck, I need her.Why is she so damn stubborn? These Holland women are a whole other level of pigheadedness. Why did I have to fall for the most stubborn one of all?

In need of a distraction, I say, “We’re nearly there. Are you ready?”

Butch’s answer is cracking his neck, preparing for battle.

“Prez said to keep it clean, but he didn’t say we couldn’t have fun,” I say, raising my eyebrow at my brother.

A malevolent smile takes over Butch’s face before pulling his mask over his head. Following his lead, I slide on my mask.

We pull off the highway and make our way to the seedy motel on the outskirts of a desolate little town in Colorado. It’s dark, but I turn off the headlights to give our approach less attention. The dump lodging doesn’t have lighting in the parking lot, aside from a half-lit vacancy sign near the reception area. Lack of cars in the lot means there are few present to bear witness. The situation couldn’t be more ideal unless the fucknut was already dead.

We park close to the building and keep the engine running. The clock is ticking—we move fast. After snapping on our gloves, we climb out, and open the back of the van to grab our gear. We already know which room he’s in and head to his door. One of my contacts tipped me off that Luca checked in earlier today.

With a quick nod to each other, Butch kicks in the door. We rush inside with our guns ready. Luca jumps from the bed to face us with a Beretta in his hand, more prepared than I care for.

Leave nothing behind.

Shooting Luca here is not an option. Before Luca can take the shot, I tackle the fucker on the bed. Butch rushes forward and conks him hard on the side of his head with the butt of his rifle. It’s lights out for Luca.

Quickly, we restrain him and slap tape over his mouth. The two of us haul the fat fuck out between us and into the back of our waiting van. We leave as silently as we came.

Thirty minutes later, we pull off near an abandoned quarry surrounded by a nature preserve—no one to hear his screams for miles. The jostling from the weathered road throws Luca around, bringing him back to consciousness. He hollers against the tape covering his mouth, thrashing around like a beached whale.

Good. I want him awake and scared.
