Page 43 of Lips On My World

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Unable to contain himself, Piero bursts with laughter. “I’ll have you know, women always preferred my looks over my cousin’s. But I’m sorry if my face offends you. I understand why, and I take no offense, Giuseppina.”

Josephine flinches hearing the Italian version of her name—the name Lorenzo always used. My jaw ticks ever so slightly, worried for her.

“Do you want to stay for the meeting?” I want Josephine to see I’m not hiding anything from her. If she wants to be present, I won’t make her leave. Though, deep down, I want her back in our suite, away from club business.

Josephine tears her attention away from Piero, focusing on me. “No. I only wanted to face him and see what he wanted with our family,” she says, jutting her chin at the mobster.

Her stomach gurgles loudly, alerting me she’s hungry.

Pleased, I lean into her, kissing her cheek tenderly. “I’ll be with you shortly with another peanut butter and banana sandwich. How ‘bout I throw some dessert on your plate, and you can see if you want to try it, yeah?”

I feel more than see Piero’s eyes watching our exchange, but I pay him no mind.

Josephine’s wrinkles her nose. “No dessert.”

Sweets are still not agreeing with her. I’ll have to remember that. “Alright. Just a sandwich.”

Josephine nods curtly before leaving, not giving Piero another glance. When she’s clear of the room, I turn my attention back to Piero.

“You’re under her spell,” Piero says nonchalantly. “So was my cousin. I have no desire to fall under the power of a woman’s heart. I’ve seen too many relationships fail within my own family. I may be on the right side of the law most times, but my path to legalizing the family business has made me more related enemies than I care for. It would be unfair of me to invite a woman to share my life knowing I’d be putting her in danger.”

Somehow his statement feels like a kick below the belt. I had the same mindset as this guy before I met Josephine, but she soon consumed my world. She confronted plenty of danger between Jacob and Lorenzo before meeting me, but Esteban is someone I introduced. She wouldn’t be a blip on his radar if it wasn’t for me.

I clear my throat. “You might say I had similar beliefs until I met the right woman. Perhaps it will happen to you.”

“God, I hope not,” he says with a lopsided smirk before schooling his features to be vacant of emotion. “I assume your wife is in danger from this drug lord?”

“Yes,” I answer. “My beef with Esteban is personal.”

Piero waits for me to elaborate.

“Esteban is responsible for the death of my parents. He’s haunted me ever since.”

“Oh, al diavolo, cazzo!” Piero steeples his hands in front of him. “I didn’t want to get involved in any more shit than I already have to deal with.”

“All we need is the address,” Gauge says calmly.

Piero contemplates for a moment before his eyes hold mine. “Your wife is positively glowing.”

I freeze, my hands fisting on the table.

Piero leans in and surprises me by speaking in fluent Spanish.“¿Está con un niño?”

Is she with child?Terror grips my insides, but I stay composed on the surface. Gauge lays a massive hand on my shoulder to anchor me. Chase stiffens, shooting me a panicked look. He didn’t know about Josephine, but he does now.

Fuck!Piero may not be my enemy—yet—but he knows more personal information about my wife and children than I’m comfortable with.

“The sandwich gave it away. I had a younger sister who would eat something similar when she was…” Piero trails, aware the pregnancy is not common knowledge. “I understand your need to eliminate him from the equation—I understand all too well. I’ll pass on whatever knowledge I uncover if you provide me with whatever information you have on my cousin and his dealings. If I discover Esteban’s safe house, I’ll inform you immediately. I sense we’re both men of action and hate to dick around, so I assure you, I’ll not waste your time.”

“Likewise,” I grit through my teeth. I signal to my third-in-command.

Chase leaves for a few minutes and is back moments later with a mini flash drive. “This is a copy of our entire file on Lorenzo Bianchi. If you’re looking for offshore accounts, we never came across any. But we didn’t devote a lot of time to it—we had more pressing matters at hand. We can do a little digging if you bring us a return on the address.”

Piero plucks the flash drive out of Chase’s fingers. “All the more reason to work together.”

We all stand, eager to be on our separate ways. Piero holds out his hand to me and I take it in a firm grasp without hesitation. We have an arrangement that will benefit both our crews equally. I’m still not sure if I’m working hand-in-hand with the devil, but I’m willing to gamble if I get Esteban out of the deal.

Piero looks pleased we’ve formed an alliance of sorts. “I see your reservation, Atlas. But I will reform the Bianchi mob here in Colorado into a legal enterprise. I’m not the enemy.”

We shall see.
