Page 68 of Lips On My World

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This project had been challenging with the small square footage I had to work with and the irregular shape. It took several configuration attempts on my 3D design program to pack in everything my client wanted. I about pulled my hair out, trying to squeeze in a second dressing room, but I felt the client's wishes for an upscale store had to include more than one changing room.

The results are feminine posh in cream, gold, and blush colors packed into a deceptively small space. Very très chic.

My client will be thrilled with the finished product. The reveal is always the best part of my job, watching the client’s facial expressions as they walk through the door to their dream home or business.

Before walking the client in, I take my high definition camera and photograph the space for my company website portfolio. The latest finished projects always bring in more clients once images are uploaded. That’s what I need to be a top designer in Colorado.

Jared and I lead our client, Erin, through the space, highlighting all the details that give it the WOW factor. She can’t stop gushing with compliments as she walks dreamily through the layout of her new store. It’s a very rewarding moment that I’ll treasure.

Work is done for the holidays. After the New Year, I’ll move on to the restaurant remodel, which will be another challenging project, but one I look forward to.

Funny how it wasn’t so long ago that I struggled to find clients to take a chance on me. Not anymore. My business calendar has my company booked out ‘till next summer, and I’m grateful to be winning the uphill battle.

Handing over the keys to my client, I head outside and hand out the Christmas bonuses to my crew members and wish them happy holidays. After everyone has left, I head to my car with Tony following me as my bodyguard.

I clean and decorate the home for Christmas, sans a tree since I ran out of time. I even got headquarters decked out with the help of the MC bunnies. I want everything to be perfect for when Maceo and the guys return, but I still have a shit ton to get finished. My man has been busy hunting bad guys and deserves a night of pampering frommoi.

Tony escorts me to the grocery store to buy all the ingredients I’ll need to make the traditional Andalusian meal to celebrate Maceo’s belated birthday. Grocery shopping with Tony has turned out to be more beneficial than I imagined.

First, Tony pushing a grocery cart looks a lot like a giant pushing a child’s toy stroller—hilarious. Second, everyone gives Tony a wide birth when they see him coming. I don’t think I’ve ever cruised through a grocery store this quickly. I may need to do all my shopping with him in the future. And third, Tony knows his meats. Since I can’t have seafood, Tony suggested some tasty sausages as a substitute for the dish I’m preparing. I argued with the butcher ‘till I got the cut of chicken I wanted and fresh prosciutto.

Back at home, Simone agreed to help me prep for dinner since I was running behind. She cleans vegetables so I can grab a quick shower before joining her back in the kitchen. Hades and Runt drool as I whip dinner together. The burntbasquecheesecake turned out better than I had hoped. But I’m conflicted when it comes to thepaella. It’s a rice dish—rice is not a friend of gestational diabetes. I bought cauliflower to make cauliflower rice, but the smell is making me gag as I run it through the food processor.

Simone takes pity on me, nudging me aside, and finishes the cauliflower rice. Thank God for my sister. Her only request is that I make her a care package—no problemo.

I’ve finished tossing a salad, popped a cork on some red wine—not for me, but for Maceo—to breathe, and got the dogs fed when I hear the front door open. Hades and Runt tear off to greet their dad. My face lights up with happiness as I look across the open floor plan at my handsome husband. But my smile slips when I take in Maceo’s somber look.

Maceo bends to pet our fur-babies, but he’s distracted. He looks like he’s barely keeping himself together, and he doesn’t have the energy to give more of himself.

He looks…depressed. Not typical of Maceo.

Simone shoots me an arched eyebrow—she sees it too. She grabs her care package off the counter, gives me a quick squeeze, and retreats out the kitchen’s side door.

Worried, I scurry around the kitchen island and run to him. He pulls me into a bear hug, practically crushing me against him. Even though I’m uncomfortable, I dare not move or complain. Something about the way Maceo is behaving tells me he needs me as close to him as possible.


It’s here that I feel the first of his tremors. He’s crying.Oh, my God, he’s crying.

“Maceo! Baby, talk to me.” I try to back away to look at him, but he squeezes me tighter like he’s afraid I might slip through his fingers.

“I just need to hold you,” he says with a cracked voice.

Now, I’m alarmed. I cup the sides of his face. “What happened?”

Maceo swallows loudly and shakes his head. “Don’t leave me.”

My eyes widen. “Why in God’s name would I leave you? That’s crazy talk.”

Maceo hiccups, angrily wiping at his eyes with one hand while still holding on to me with the other. “You may change your mind after I show you what’s in mypa—padre’sjournal. I promised you no secret-keeping, but God…Pixie, I don’t want to reveal this to you. Please, say you’ll stay with me no matter what.”

“Dammit, Maceo. Look at me!” I say sternly.

Maceo’s red-rimmed eyes finally connect with mine, and I can breathe again. I address him as calmly as I can muster. “Now you listen to me. There is nothing in this world that will ever drive me away from you—nothing. I’m yours, and you’re mine—forever.”

Maceo sniffles and pulls me to the couch. The dogs crawl all over us, sensing our duress, wanting to give comfort. Maceo pulls out the leather journal that belonged to his dad from his coat pocket. “Please. Read from here to here,” he instructs.

I read the journal entry, with apprehension already gnawing at my edges. And then I see the words that have broken him.
