Page 7 of Engaging Opal

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“Please,” I whisper to the stranger. “He’s not worth it.”

The green-eyed stranger looks sternly at me. Without skipping a beat, he says, “You’re worth it.”

Whoa! That’s hot.Did my thong just fall off? I squeeze my thighs together, just in case.

The sexy biker releases Benny without warning, causing him to fall to his knees. He pulls a gun from his belt holster, pointing it at Benny. “Move and I’ll shoot.”

As Benny groans on the stage floor, nursing his sore arm, the biker coaxes me with his fingers. “Come here, Gorgeous.”

Uh, yeah, I’m not sure that would be a smart move, seeing as he’s holding a man at gunpoint.

He offers a crooked smile when he sees my hesitation. “I won’t hurt you, Opal. Come here.”

Part of me knows to be leery of this stranger, but the man stopped Benny from getting rough with me. If the biker wanted to hurt me, he would have already done it or let Benny.

On shaky legs, I walk carefully toward the man defending my honor. He watches me approach, his gaze growing sultrier with each step I take. When I’m close enough, he opens his arm out for me to step into the pocket he created. I creep into his space as he wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer.

“You’re safe now,” he reassures me in a gentle tone. “I’ve got you.”

Aside from pasties and a skirt-covered thong, being flush against this man makes me warm in places I never knew existed. I’m wearing four-inch platform heels, and my nose comes to his chin. I’d only need to tilt my head up, and his lips would be right there, so full and pink.

“So fucking innocent,” he murmurs sweetly. “This place doesn’t look fitting for a sweetheart like you. Do you want to be here, Opal?”

My head shakes of its own accord. I don’t want to be here, especially after being manhandled.

The biker’s eyes brighten. “Do you want to come away with us? Me and my brothers, I mean?”

Unsure if I heard him correctly, I look at him dumbfounded. Is he asking me to…run away with him? Am I stuck in some Cinderella storybook?

He cocks his head, observing me. He’s waiting for an answer, but I’m confused. “Brothers?”

“Yeah, the crew. They’re good men. No one will hurt you. You can get away from here—get on your feet again.”

“Get on my feet again,” I parrot, bewildered. It takes a few seconds for his words to sink into my emotional mind.

Is he serious? Ride off with this handsome stranger on a Harley stallion to some place safe until I can be on my own?

The two sides of my subconscious war with each other. On one side, I’m fist-pumping the air. But on the other, I’m biting my fingernails to the quick. This is the moment your self-preservation should scream, “Stranger danger.” So why hasn’t mine kicked in? The draw to be near him overpowers all common sense.

“No dancing, stripping, or strings attached. We provide you shelter, food, money—whatever you need,” he says tenderly, more tenderly than I would expect from a rough biker.

My heart quickens. “Where?”

The biker grins, as if he knows he has me in the bag. Leaning in, he whispers, “Fort Collins, Colorado.”

The war inside of me evaporates with freedom on the horizon. “Okay.”

He chuckles, nodding towards the dressing area behind the curtains. “Go change. I’ll catch up.”

I turn to leave, but he stops me, taking my hand in his large, calloused palm. “Leave the heels on. They’re fucking sexy on you.”

He releases me with a teasing wink before turning back to Benny, and when he does, his face morphs into something terrifying as he assesses my old boss. Benny pales, a look of dread washing over his sweaty face. The biker’s hand lashes out, grabbing my boss by the scruff of his neck, and drags him off the stage.



Iscurry off behind the curtains as fast as my platform-shoes will take me, practically toppling over Starlight.
