Page 77 of Engaging Opal

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“She’s not in the fucking bedroom or living room. And she sure as hell ain’t at Jo’s with them moving in here,” Gauge snarls. Feet stomp down the hallway before I hear the door opening to the other bunkroom. “Opal?” The door slams shut a few seconds later.

Why in the world is he trying to hunt me down?

Sweat beads on my temples. I curl into a tight ball, shaking like a leaf. What is he going to do when he finds me? Will he drag me out of here and make me sleep in his room again? Sleeping near him will crush me—I can’t put myself through anymore heartache.

The door opens. “Opal?”

Before I can stop myself, I whimper.

“Opal,” he groans with relief. He pulls back my sheet. His green eyes stare back at me, both tender and blazing. There’s so much conflict going on inside him, and I don’t understand any of it.

He doesn’t want me—he told me as much to my face. Gauge’s behavior is more typical of a jealous boyfriend than a man who said we were done.

“Back away from her and get the fuck out, man,” Flay orders from the doorway.

Gauge’s face darkens as he turns toward Flay. “What the fuck is she doing in your bed?”

“None of your goddamn business,” Flay spits back.

“The hell it isn’t. She’s my responsibility!”

Flay folds his tatted arms across his chest. “Not anymore. You revoked your claim, brother. She’s in my care now.”

“The fuck you say?” Gauge slams his body into Flay, sending them flying into the hallway.

“Oh, shit,” Brass barks, springing from his bed. He rushes into the hall where Gauge and Flay are throwing punches. Triple and Reaper are hot on his heels.

Frozen in fear, I remain rooted to the bed. I’ve never seen the guys fight before. The viciousness with which the guys attack each other has me panicking for both of them.

A sob escapes me. The guys are fighting and it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have gotten Flay involved in my messy breakup. This could damage the brotherhood.

Red appears at my head, pulling me from the bunk to the floor. We wrap our arms around each other, both of us scared.

Unfortunately, from this angle, I have a better vantage point of the brawl. Gauge is on top of Flay, pummeling him senseless. Reaper and Brass both struggle to haul Gauge off of him. Triple struggles to pull Flay away from Gauge.

The verbal altercation continues when everyone is on their feet.

“You stay away from her,” Gauge seethes. “Lay one fucking hand on her, and I’ll castrate you.”

“Fuck you, asshole,” Flay volleys back. “The only one who shouldn’t be touching her is you. You used her like some biker whore, knowing she loved you. Then you threw her away—screwed another in front of her, rubbing it in her face.”

Gauge growls like a beast. “I did no such thing!”

Why is he lying? I saw it with my own damn eyes—he hooked up with Candy.

“You claiming you didn’t fuck Candy?” Flay challenges.

Gauge’s chest heaves, but he avoids the question. “You’ve been eyeballing Opal for months. You couldn’t stay away from her, could you?”

“I’m not screwing Opal,” Flay snaps crudely, straining against Triple’s hold. “But guess what? If she wanted to sleep with anyone, she’s free to do it, brother or not. You don’t own her.”

“She’s mine,” Gauge grits through his teeth.

That single statement has my hackles rising and my vision going red. How dare he act as if he has some claim over me!

Blood pumping, I storm into the hallway and shove Gauge in the chest. He looks stunned. All the guys look surprised, backing up to give me room.

“I’myours?” My lips pull back over my teeth. “If I’m yours, why did you treat me like I was disposable?”
