Page 85 of Engaging Opal

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“When Atlas told me you were going to get your GED, I freaked. I knew you were making an escape plan, and there was nothing I could do to stop you. It’s why I followed you everywhere, popped in at the construction site to watch you study, praying, hoping my presence was enough to make you reconsider leaving.

“But at the same time, I was a self-saboteur because I knew it was wrong to hold you back from finding true happiness. I was an all-around dick on purpose, hoping my attitude would upset you enough to want nothing to do with me again. It was a vicious circle I couldn’t break.”

I’m crying as hard as Opal now, clinging to her as tight as she’s clinging to me. “I knew I was royally fucked once you stopped fighting. The nights you stayed at Jo’s condo were the worst. Not sure if you knew, but I sat out front in one of our unmarked surveillance vehicles. I wanted to be close to you, even though I couldn’t be. Here I thought I was a creep before. Come to find out I’m a bigger creep without you.”

Opal hiccups, squeezing me tighter. It feels good to have her in my arms, to hold her close and reconnect our souls. If I could pause time, I would be content in this moment forever. But I’m far from finished spilling my guts.

“Last night, I panicked. Your stuff was gone. I thought you made a run for it. I tore the house apart because Chase was certain he’d have seen you on surveillance had you left the property. When I found you in Flay’s bed, all I wanted was to carry you back to mine. I didn’t know what to think. Were you with him? Was he taking care of you the way I wanted to care for you? I lost it when he told me you were under his care, and I no longer had a place in your life. In my head, I knew you were no longer mine, but in my heart, you’ll always be.”

“Gauge…” Opal trails, clinging to me.

“I’m not proud of myself for attacking my brother, and I’m sorry if my actions scared you. You should know that Flay and I’ve talked. I’ve apologized for being a dick. We’re fine now. You didn’t come between us; you’re not the club Yoko Ono. Everything is good between my brothers and me.”

“I was worried I was tearing the family apart. I wouldn’t have gotten Flay involved had I known it was going to cause a feud.”

“No, you did the right thing by letting Flay help you. I was an emotionally abusive ass. Removing yourself was exactly what I needed to see the error in my ways. Atlas and I had a long talk where I confessed my worries about being like your abuser. Don’t hate me, but I needed to talk to someone.”

“You did what you had to,” Opal says. “I understand why you told Atlas, but I hope you realize you’re nothing like my mom’s boyfriend.”

“I told him what that bastard did to you, how I saw similarities between myself and him. Atlas set me straight, and I’m mad I didn’t see it.”

“How did he do that?”

“After you showed me that picture, I was disgusted with myself. I may not have realized you were underage in that picture, but as soon as I did, my reaction was to back the fuck away from it. Atlas said that right there shows how different I am from the sick fuck who hurt you. I wouldn’t have pursued you where your abuser had, or hurt you as he did. I was never like him, never will be.”

“Gauge,” Opal whispers. “You should have told me what you were feeling. I could have told you all that. We could have saved us all this pain.”

My heart thumps wildly. I take the plunge. “Is there still anus? Do you want me back?”

Sky-blue eyes hold mine. “Of course, I want you. I’ve always wanted us to work out.”

Thank fuck!

I lean in to kiss her, reclaim my woman, but she puts her finger pads to my lips. “That being said, I think we need to move slow, rebuild what was broken. You hurt me, Gauge. A broken heart doesn’t heal over an honest conversation, but it’s a good place to start.”

She’s right. My fuck up did serious damage to our relationship. I need to put in the effort before I can reap the reward. Opal is worth the work and the wait.

My lips press to her fingertips. It’s the only flesh I’m going to touch with my lips for a while, so I take the opportunity. Opal leans into me as we watch the sun crests over the mountains.

Barking interrupts our serene moment.

We look toward the noise. Hades—Jo’s massive Cane Corso—runs toward us, his enormous tongue flapping out of his mouth like a pink flag. Opal giggles at the cartoonish display as he bounds around the boulder. Her laughter warms my insides.

Along comes Jo on her morning run with Atlas right on her tail. It doesn’t surprise me in the slightest to see his eyes glued to her butt—the dude’s obsessed with her backside.

Josephine slows to a trot before walking toward us. She scowls at us—correction—her scowl is solely reserved for me. “Well, if it isn’t our precious Opal and our shit for brains VP.”

Touché.“I deserve that.”

Opal wears a small smile. “Gauge and I talked. What he did was wrong, but I understand why he felt he had to behave the way he did, even if it’s messed up. He’s apologized for everything. We’re going to start over, taking it one day at a time.”

Jo’s eye twitches. I can only imagine the words she wants to spew at me for how I treated Opal. “If he’s what you want, Opal, we support you.” Jo crosses her arms, staring me down with her gem-like eyes. “Hurt her again and I’ll set Hades on you.”

The hellhound growls, baring his teeth for extra emphasis.

I nod. “Got it, but no worries. I won’t screw up again.”

“Spend the rest of your life proving it,” Jo says with a sharp edge in her voice.
