Page 114 of Chasing Simone

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I turn my chair around to face my computer, typing out a code for a new firewall. “Tell them I’ll have an answer for them soon.”

“But how?” Trent demands, an edge in his voice. “How will you determine who’s behind this?”

I pause my typing, cocking my head. Is Trent nervous? Is he worried about how his superiors will handle the bad news?

Intrigued, I side-eye Simone. She, too, is examining Trent inquisitively. Something’s off about the guy, but I’m not sure why he’s uneasy.

Informing Trent I’ll be checking the camera feeds once I’ve handled the virus is something I hesitate sharing. Instead, I say, “I have my ways.”



Ispent the rest of Friday helping Chase and Butch double-check areas in the system that may have been compromised from the virus. A lot of what I did was pull client’s files and cross-reference what was in the system. Luckily, what we were checking was easy enough without needing Cynthia’s help. Trent opened the file room door for me and stationed himself in the hallway to assist both our teams. I appreciated his willingness to help us without getting Cynthia involved. He seemed as eager as us to discover who was behind stealing the funds and planting the bug.

Saturday was a repeat of Friday, with Chase and Butch successfully removing the virus. To ensure the system was safe, Chase had to remove his Trojan, with Butch ready at the computer to put another Trojan in its place in case the virus went live again. Thankfully, the system remained virus-free. Chase worked through most of the night, installing more barriers similar to what headquarters uses back home, making sure the software was military tight.

Sunday was the only day we took off from the case. After the shit week I had, I didn’t want to make it worse by phoning home, but I owed my sister an update. I could only ignore her texts for so long before she’d send the motorcycle cavalry to retrieve me. There was no point in hiding the ugly from her when she asked how things were going. I confided everything and held the phone away from my ear as she screamed curse after curse. She insisted on coming to Sacramento to play interference. Fearing she’d go full Cornish Pixie on Trent and Cynthia, I tried to convince her to stay home. I hope she listens.

It’s now Monday, and Mondays are always a drag. But coming back to this case after a day off is hellish, especially when our team is fried from the week before.

With the computer virus debacle behind us, Chase and Butch are returning to business as usual—tracking the missing funds. Punk is guard duty. And I’m returning to my solo project of combing through the archives.

Between my caseload and the tech team playing catch-up, we don’t have enough manpower to stay on schedule, not when Chase wants to install extra firewalls to strengthen the security on our software and the firm’s main servers.

The four of us sit around the conference table, spitballing ideas on how we can get ahead. I know having Cynthia off my back and Trent out of my hair would help me get through my files without added distractions. But since Trent is liaison, he won’t be going anywhere. And because he’s with our team, Cynthia will remain as close as she can to taunt me.

No sooner am I about to vocalize my thoughts than the evil duo enters the conference room. I groan under my breath. Chase’s head snaps to me, concern furrowed in his brows.

“Good morning,” Trent greets us before his eyes home in on me. A smirk plays on his lips as he takes the seat next to mine. “You look lovely as always, Simone.”

Chase grinds his teeth beside me. I’d bet money he’s fighting the urge to haul me into his lap. Cynthia looks equally put out, her face puckered with distaste as she takes the seat beside Trent.

Annoyed he’d say something to ruffle the feathers of me and our partners, I ignore Trent’s comment, returning my attention to the conversation with the team. “Should we be calling headquarters for reinforcements if we want to stay on schedule?”

Chase opens his mouth to answer when we’re interrupted by a pink-haired bombshell strutting into the room, wearing a short, skintight dress with a blazer over the top. Blazer or not, the outfit is inappropriate for the office. Trent’s tongue hanging out confirms that theory.

“Look no further. The reinforcements are here,” Candy sings, with her arms spread wide to welcome us.

Punk balks. “How the hell did you get here?”

“I brought her,” Ziggy answers, stepping into the room behind her. The guys rush to embrace their brother.

Excited to see a friendly face from home, I’m out of my chair and across the room, hugging Candy. She squeezes me back before releasing me to hug Butch. He smothers her in a tight embrace, before stepping back to admire Candy’s appearance. His lips curl into a devilish smile. She gives him an equally naughty smirk in return.

After all our warm greetings, Chase motions for them to join us at the table. Candy smiles, circling the table to steal my vacant seat beside Trent, forcing me to sit across the table from them. I’m grateful to have an excuse not to return to my seat beside the weasel.

Trent doesn’t seem to mind the changing of seats. He sits a little straighter, adjusting his tie as he side-eyes the MC beauty beside him. Cynthia crosses her arms over her chest, glaring at her boyfriend.

Glad he’s not my problem anymore. What goes around comes around.

Fighting a smile, I focus on the conversation happening around the table.

“Who’s managing tech at headquarters?” Chase asks.

“PT volunteered. His schedule is flexible this semester,” Ziggy informs the team. “He’s doing his college courses virtually, meaning he can be watch tech while in class.”

“And Prez approved this?” We all like PT. He’s a hard worker, trainable and intelligent. Even Atlas forgave the kid for spying on him and Jo when he was forced into the job by Lorenzo Bianchi’s mob. Still, he’s a college kid working on his computer science degree. Taking on tech control at headquarters isn’t something you want to leave with an amateur long-term.
