Page 147 of Chasing Simone

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A lot happened at once, but I don’t recall being in charge of their marriage certificate.

Thinking nothing of it, I pick up the heavy paper as I rise to my feet. I set it down on the hotel dresser, glancing at it a moment before turning toward the bathroom.

Hold up!I do an about-face, snatching the paper to study the names.

This is to certify that the undersigned joined in lawful wedlock…

It’s not the names I expected on a marriage certificate. My body vibrates as I read my and Candy’s legal names on the certified document.

The goddess in the bathroom is my wife.



I spent the rest of Friday helping Chase and Butch double-check areas in the system that may have been compromised from the virus. A lot of what I did was pull client’s files and cross-reference what was in the system. Luckily, what we were checking was easy enough without needing Cynthia’s help. Trent opened the file room door for me and stationed himself in the hallway to assist both our teams. I appreciated his willingness to help us without getting Cynthia involved. He seemed as eager as us to discover who was behind stealing the funds and planting the bug.

Saturday was a repeat of Friday, with Chase and Butch successfully removing the virus. To ensure the system was safe, Chase had to remove his Trojan, with Butch ready at the computer to put another Trojan in its place in case the virus went live again. Thankfully, the system remained virus-free. Chase worked through most of the night, installing more barriers similar to what headquarters uses back home, making sure the software was military tight.

Sunday is the only day we’re taking off and I plan on doing absolutely nothing related to the case. After the shit week I’ve had, I need a day to decompress.

Chase left to go work out in the hotel gym, saying he needed to pummel something to stay sane. Considering how tightly wound he’s been around Trent and working upwards of twenty hours a day in a shoebox conference room, some physical activity will be good for him. It’s not a bad idea for me either.

My dip in the pool turns into thirty-two hard laps. Seems I needed to let out some aggression as well.

When I go back to the suite to shower, I notice Chase hasn’t returned. My shoulders sag. I was hoping he’d be back and we could do something fun together. Guess I’ll need to entertain myself.

After a long shower, I throw on some lounge pants and a tank. I’m flipping through the hotel cable when there’s a knock at the door.

Confused, I slip out of bed. For one horrifying second, I fear Trent is at the door. The guy isn’t exactly surrendering to winning me back. He still blows up my phone each evening and Chase sees it all. My biker may demonstrate some control over his territorial behavior, but it’s not something I want to be tested routinely.

Hesitantly, I creep toward the door and look through the peephole. Punk’s sour face greets me on the other side of the lens.

Great.Chase must have sent him to babysit me since he’s taking too long.

Suppressing a groan, I open the door with a hand on my hip. “What do you want, Moron? Did Chase assign you guard duty?”

He shakes his shaved head. “No.”

Huh?“So why are you bugging me?”

Punk’s face puckers. He stares at the ground. “It’s Romcom Sunday.”

Romcom Sunday is a tradition Punk and Jo started early in their friendship. It may be their special thing, but since I moved to Colorado, it’s kind of becomeourspecial thing, too.

He holds up a Target shopping bag. “I brought snacks.”

I’m such a bitch. Here Punk is choosing to spend his Sunday downtime with me—willingly—and I greeted him horribly.

Without saying a word, I usher him inside. Punk perks up some. He probably expected me to turn him away. I’ll never admit it to him, but I enjoy our Romcom Sundays together, even though we have to share Jo.

Punk dumps the contents of the shopping bag on the end of the bed while I channel surf until I find something that has the potential to be a romance. I look through the candy options, spotting all of my favorites. It chokes me up how he remembers such minor details about me.

Instead of grabbing something I normally have, I reach for the bag of Twizzlers—Jo’s favorite. I tear the bag open, taking a few before passing the rest to Punk. He smiles, probably guessing I’m doing it as a way of having her here in spirit.

We sit side by side on the bed watching the movie, chewing our candy. I glance at Punk. He stares at the TV with a glum expression. Normally, he’d be belly-laughing at all the funny scenes. I get it—it’s not the same without my sister present.

“I miss Jo,” I murmur.
