Page 52 of Chasing Simone

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Slightly more at ease, I place my hands on his tatted chest, tracing the beautiful artwork adoring his skin. His heart thrums hard underneath my hand.

Chase looks down at where I’m touching him, then back at me with a lustful gaze. His eyes drop to my mouth, where I’m biting my bottom lip. How can he say so much without saying words?

Wanting to be closer, I wrap my arms around his thick neck, pulling him toward me. He moves into the space, the warmth of his body enveloping me. “You were watching me swim and couldn’t help peeling out of your clothes?”

“Yes. I always watch you,” he confesses on a murmur, his eyes transfixed on mine. “Can’t rip my eyes away from you.”

“Some might say you’re obsessed.”

“I am,” he admits, unabashed.

Maybe it’s my year-long sex drought making me ignore the red flags. Most women wouldn’t be turned on discovering a dominating man is obsessed with them. However, his confession causes warmth to build in my core. There’s something to be said about a man who isn’t afraid to admit how he feels about the person who consumes him. It gives me a sense of empowerment.

We’re silent for a moment, floating together. I hate to break our tranquil moment with talk of tomorrow, but I’m concerned with how Chase may react upon meeting Trent. Especially with how possessive he can be with me.

“Are you going to behave tomorrow? We can’t have you beating up the liaison.”

Chase grimaces, squeezing me tighter. “I make no promises other than doing the job we’re hired to do. People don’t hire us because of our friendly disposition. They choose us because our company is the best and we promise results. Trent wouldn’t be the first client we’ve had where I’ve been a dick. I don’t play games. I don’t fuck around and see. If he steps out of line regarding you, I will put the little dick back in his lane.”

“You know you have nothing to worry about with him, right? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—I have no feelings for Trent.”

Chase says nothing, staring at me with his warm brown eyes.

“Do you know why I waited a year before coming back to you?”

“To drive me nuts?”

I smirk before schooling my features. “No. I needed space, time to grieve. I also didn’t want to rush into another relationship where you might feel used. You’re not a rebound, Chase. You mean so much more to me than someone I’d use to get over my heartbreak.”

Chase swallows hard. “Are you saying you care about me?”

Wow!He really needs me to spell it out for him. “I’m crazy for you. Have been since the day you pushed yourself into my life.”

His lips twitch upward in the corners. “Day one of coming to the club?”

“Day one,” I admit.

He crushes me to his chest, holding me tight in his embrace. “Fuck, woman. You have no idea what you do to me.”

I smile, having a very good idea of what I do to him. He does it for me, too.

My face falls as I work up the nerve to express my worries. “Can I be honest with you?”

“I would hope you’d always be honest with me.”

I lick my lips. “I’m anxious to confront Trent and Cynthia tomorrow. Even if it’s only to conduct our case, it puts me on edge.”

Chase palms my cheek with one hand while holding me tight with the other. “Numbers…”

“I don’t want them thinking me pitiful or spiteful for being the lead auditor. I shouldn’t care what they think, but I do on some level. Like I need to prove they haven’t got to me.”

“I think I understand,” Chase murmurs. “You want to show you’ve outgrown them.”

Perfectly stated.“Yeah.”

His warm lips press lightly to mine tenderly, yet his kiss sends shockwaves of delicious current through my core.

“Simone, you’re the most professional woman I’ve ever met. Without a doubt, you’ll walk into that firm tomorrow and handle the situation like a seasoned veteran. They’re going to think what they want, but by being yourself, you’ll show them their opinions mean dick to you.”
