Page 73 of Debt of Loyalty

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I’d experienced pain and suffering several times in my life but nothing as agonizing as seeing the look of total terror on Willow’s face. Then to read the words from her lips just before she was dragged away from me had unleased the beast inside of me.

Castillo kept his eyes locked on mine, finally shaking his head. “It would seem Willow is entirely too fond of you.”

“She is my mark and nothing more.”

“Mark. An interesting term to use for a private security company. Who hired you?”

“I wasn’t given that information.”

“But you have an idea.”

I laughed, partially to hide the fact I continued to shift my wrists as I’d been doing since being shackled like a fucking animal. The straps had loosened, but not enough so I could rip out his throat. “Yeah, I think I do. It would seem her mother is cut of the same cloth as you are.”

If my words infuriated him, he hid his reaction well, finally shaking his head. “Jennifer Cavanaugh is a formidable adversary, more so than most men in her position.”

“Adversary? I think she’d be more like your ally.”

“An interesting analogy, which could have been possible in the past but not now. She’s far too… hardheaded, much like her daughter, but as with every woman, they can be broken.”

What the hell was the man attempting to say to me? “Willow doesn’t belong to you.”

“That’s where you are wrong. I admire your tenacity, Viper. I would offer you a place on my force if I believed you could be trained, but I fear your adoration of the beautiful woman will be your demise, preventing you from committing your loyalty.”

Loyalty. Did he really think I would ever consider joining his force? “The offer, while tempting, would prove to challenge my patience as well as my need to shove a knife into your gut.”

“At least you’re being honest. Another trait I appreciate. Unfortunately, while I made a promise to Willow, I will need to provide her with disappointment. I can’t have your interruptions while I’m indoctrinating her.”

Indoctrinating. What in God’s name did that mean? “You can kill me, but rest assured that others will take my place.”

“And I’ll enjoy killing every one of them. You see, I do know how to protect my own. It’s a shame you allowed your emotions to get in the way. Have a good trip straight to hell, Viper.”

He walked out as if he owned the entire world. He would soon learn that you never cross a Ranger on a good day.

And this one was fucked.

I struggled as I’d done before with the straps holding me in place, but this time nothing would keep me from freeing myself. After closing my eyes, I concentrated on the vision of her face as I pushed myself to the breaking point, every muscle tight as a drum. When I heard a single snap, I took a deep breath.

Then I heard footsteps. Inhaling, I jerked on the other shackle, opening my mouth in a silent scream, yanking with everything I had.

As soon as the soldier carrying the bullwhip entered the room, he immediately snapped his wrist, the thin strap striking the wall within two feet of where I’d been forced to my knees.

“Hora de sufrir,” he growled.

It was time to suffer alright, but it wasn’t going to be me. The soldier took two steps back, rearing his arm over his head. The second he snapped his wrist again, I reacted, tossing the piece of lumber and rolling out the way. The asshole was so startled he didn’t notice I’d grabbed the end of the whip, using it and his body weight to pull me to my feet.

Without hesitation, I gave a hard jerk, able to launch him toward me. As I wrapped the whip around his throat, he struggled to fight me, trying desperately to reach for his weapon. I jerked the gun from his fingers, tossing it aside before squeezing. As his arms flailed, I closed my eyes, giving another hard yank. Seconds later, it was over. I dropped him to the ground, immediately dragging his weapon into my hand and checking the ammunition.

Good. A full magazine.

I moved toward the door, knowing that if there’d been a second guard, I’d likely be dead. Still, I remained cautious, darting my head into the darkness, before crowding the exterior wall. As I moved toward the main house, I did what I could to remain quiet. The element of surprise was exactly what was necessary.

A single soldier jumped in front of me, his exclamations too damn loud. I smashed my fist under his chin, knocking him to the ground. He was out cold. I couldn’t risk the sound of shots being fired. Then all hell would break loose and I was one tired man, sick of dealing with the same asshole.

I moved through the darkness toward the house, narrowly avoiding two other soldiers who were walking the perimeter. Nothing had changed from the time I was here before, except given Willow’s state of dress and what Castillo had told her, she was currently his entertainment for the night. I cringed at the thought of the man touching her.

I knew the layout of the estate and had memorized the weakest point on every side. Tonight, I’d enter through the door leading to the kitchen. Supplies were brought in through the service entrance, making it extremely vulnerable. Whether or not his staff was on duty didn’t matter at this point. This wasn’t just a one-shot situation. This was life or death.

The details of what the hell I’d do if I was successful hadn’t reached the forefront of my mind. I raced around the side of the building, remaining in the shadows as I counted to fifteen. I only hoped the schedule hadn’t changed. As I crawled onto the balcony of the first floor, the injury was starting to become a hindrance.

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