Page 83 of Debt of Loyalty

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Several days had passed, the various investigators gathering the bulk of information. Castillo had been formally charged with several crimes, but up to this point Jennifer Cavanaugh had not. I wasn’t certain why, nor were there answers as to why that anyone would provide. However, there’d been a leak somewhere along the way, the press learning that Castillo was likely Willow’s father.

The entire investigation was under a microscope, federal prosecutors staying mum about what could take place, but I suspected within weeks formal charges would be placed against Jennifer and her company. What I couldn’t stand was that Willow was being hounded by the press, forced to change hotels.

Hopefully, the shit would die down soon. Now it was time to finish certain requirements of my own.

The Pentagon.

I’d started the new journey in this very location. It was only fitting I’d end it here as well. Broderick had an office, preferring to meet there rather than the Warrenton location, fearing compromise. He’d waited for a debriefing given the investigation. Now he wanted to close out the mission.

And I had no doubt he wanted to find out what the hell had gone on.

I waited for almost fifteen minutes before being ushered into his office. He stood by the window peering out at the square. He knew I’d entered his office, but he remained quiet, staring out at the sunny day.

“I was in a meeting the day of 9-11. I’ll never forget the sound of the explosions. It was a day that changed all of us, some more than others,” he said, his deep voice resonating sadness from the memory. “After the horrific events, I had more of an appreciation for the love of my country than I believed was possible. I could sense you’re the same way the first day I met you.”

He slowly turned around, eyeing me carefully. I had no idea what he was getting at. “Yes, sir.”

“I’m glad the mission worked out,” he added.

I held my tongue, although I had no doubt he’d suspected what was really going on.

“Go ahead, Major. Ask me,” he said as he moved around the edge of his desk.

“What am I supposed to ask?”

“Whether or not I knew there was a very personal reason for Castillo’s attachment.”

“Did you, because if that’s the case, you jeopardized the entire mission, putting our lives at risk when I might have handled the situation differently?”

A smile crossed his face. “You don’t mince words, Major, which is something I like about you. However, keep in mind that there are often reasons for information being withheld. From what I was told, no one was certain. Pictures had been obtained of a professional event between Jennifer Cavanaugh and Castillo almost thirty years ago. They met again once after that, only they appeared in a more casual setting. By the time I was given the intel, the mission was already in gear.”

“It seemed to come as quite a shock to Mrs. Cavanaugh that Castillo took Willow.”

“She was working with him. Willow was used as a bartering tool.”

He sighed but his look was pointed. “Likely, because Jennifer was working with the DEA and has been for almost a year.”

“What?” The news wasn’t something I expected. “The entire thing was a game.”

“Yes. It was the only way to try and bring Castillo out in the open. For years the CIA and DEA have tried to indict him.”

“I’m aware,” I said, furious that Willow hadn’t been told the truth.

“The DEA was blindsided by Willow’s abduction, reacting quickly. Fortunately, he’s being brought to trial.”

“With a trail of dead bodies left behind.”

“I assure you, soldier, he will be charged for murder. The man is going away for a long time.”

I stared at him, still unsure what I wanted to do. “Is that why you called me here for this meeting? To learn the gory details of what I managed to accomplish?”

“It would appear you’re not happy with the mission,” he said, still studying me carefully.

“What I’m not happy about is that Willow lived through hell and back because her mother was playing a dangerous game.”

“For which this country owes a great deal of gratitude. His mansion was raided, documents found regarding dozens of young girls who were kidnapped and sold. Over the next several months, there will be a cleanup and rescue effort that will be coordinated internationally.”

I was surprised I was being provided with the information.
