Page 84 of Debt of Loyalty

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“As I mentioned, no one expected Willow to be kidnapped. In fact, she was provided with security in the two months prior to her abduction as a caution. Castillo’s men were bold. And I assure you that your country and that family are grateful to how you handled the operation. You are a true hero.”

“Don’t call me that. I did what I had to do in order to keep her alive. And I’d do it again.”

“That’s why I knew you were perfect for Eagle Force.”

A perfect lead in. “Well, sir, I’ve come to tender my resignation.”

He didn’t seem surprised. “Son, if you don’t think your relationship with Ms. Cavanaugh was discovered, then you’re a fool and I don’t take you for one. Yes, you broke the cardinal rule, but I can’t afford to lose you.”

“And I won’t consider putting Willow’s life or anyone else I care about in danger. I can’t do that any longer.”

His smile was just as surprising as the conversation. “Understood, soldier. However, I would like you to consider the option of recruiting for us. Your expertise is needed. You’ll stay stateside.”

“I don’t want to live in DC, Director.” I was honored but unsure how I felt.

“Also understood. You can live anywhere you want. Just consider it.”

“I will. Now, I need to ask you a question and I want a truthful answer.” My tone was demanding. I would have answers.

“Go ahead.”

“You knew about my record. You knew how much hell I went through when I returned. Why in God’s name was I suggested for the force?”

He nodded several times before heading to his credenza, picking up a frame. “Let’s just say I knew it ran in your genes.”

As he handed me the photograph, I was shocked. “I don’t understand.”

“Your father, Robert Sanderson, and myself served together a long time ago. We became friends. We stayed in touch. Your father was very proud of you. He couldn’t stop talking about you, including his concern when you came home from the war. So, yes, I knew what you’d gone through. I also spoke with Robert, and he spoke highly of you.”

Jameson’s father. No wonder I’d been allowed to live on the island. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything. I wanted you to know that when I have two men that I respect giving glowing recommendations, then it makes decisions very easy.”

I handed him the photograph, thinking about all the reasons I’d hated my father when I was younger. They were much the same reasons Manuel had never forgiven him for being a nasty man for so many years. I’d been given a chance to understand both the despair and the guilt that he’d absorbed, making it almost impossible for him to be the kind of father he’d wanted to be. I had no idea what had changed him later on. When I’d asked my mother if something had happened, she smiled and told me one day I’d understand.

That had been the day I’d left for boot camp, my father beaming that his oldest son was following in his footsteps. My thoughts drifted to Willow. She deserved a man who could provide her with everything she should have in her life, including a man capable of fathering her children. I wasn’t certain I had the ability to free myself of the demons.

“Will Willow be told about her mother?”

Broderick exhaled. “It’s not Eagle Force’s place to do so, but at some point, Willow will find out.”

“I hope it’s soon enough their relationship can be repaired.”

“Understood. Son, allow me to give you a piece of advice. Don’t allow the past to interfere with your future. What you went through was heartbreaking, but you’re alive. Don’t allow their deaths to go in vain. Salvation is yours for the taking.”

The taking. I couldn’t respond because I wasn’t certain that was the truth.

“I’ll think about your offer.”

“I hope you do. I won’t say there isn’t a chance your expertise won’t be needed in other areas, but you’ll have a choice. You’ll know what’s best for you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

I walked out, still uncertain what would be the best decision for both of us. As soon as I reached my vehicle, my phone rang. Seeing Willow’s number on the screen, I took a deep breath before answering.

“Hi there.”

“Santiago. The test results are back. I need you.”
