Page 89 of Debt of Loyalty

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I’d always dreamt of crossing the stage in my gown, enjoying the applause. While I’d feel lonely in doing so, it was something I owed to myself. Maybe that would provide me with the push I needed to accept one of the six offers.

To move on with my life.

Without the man I loved.

“I’d be honored.”

As he gave the time and place, only three days away, I barely heard the details. They said time healed all wounds, but now I knew for certain that wasn’t the case. My heart would always have the same ache.

* * *

I was excited, nervous as hell, and praying to God that I wouldn’t make a fool of myself. I’d rehearsed the speech a dozen times if not more, boring Dr. Abbot to death. At least she’d promised to be in the audience cheering me on. I waited offstage, reciting my lines silently, clutching the piece of paper that had been crumpled then flattened out not once but twice in my frustration at trying to get the words right.

Inspiring people didn’t come easy for me, but I would do my best.

I heard several cheers as the university president gave his speech. I was up next. My stomach was churning so much I almost raced into the bathroom. No. I could do this. I had the courage.

“You’re stronger than you know.”

Santiago’s words flashed in my mind. Yeah. I was. I could do this.

“Ms. Cavanaugh. You’re on.” As the girl guided me to the steps, I closed my eyes, saying a silent prayer. This was a day to be proud of.

The lights were blinding as I moved onto the stage, the cheers more like a roar of applause. From what I could tell, there had to be at least five hundred people in the audience. Maybe more. I headed toward the microphone, sliding the paper into the pocket of my robe. As silence fell on the auditorium, I took a deep breath.

Then I began to speak.

“Courage. It’s a word that I didn’t understand before a few weeks ago, at least not entirely. I’d been taught by parents who provided me with knowing right from wrong, good from evil. They also taught me that courage was finding the strength from deep within to beat the odds, no matter the circumstances or difficulties. It’s also about finding the strength and resolve to handle sadness and fear head on, beating it in order to survive. Sometimes when we least expect it, we find our courage, able to offer the spirit of it to those who need it the most. That’s what we as veterinarians face almost every day. The courage to provide comfort to those losing a loved one. The faith that we have the ability to heal the sick and injured, and the fortitude to know when there’s nothing else we can do but provide the furry babies with final peace. It will never be easy, but for the beloved animals who we can provide assistance in whatever passage fate has them take, we will use the courage we’d learned to do so.”

I took a deep breath, scanning the crowd. If only I could see their faces.

“I was reminded of that courage by a man who helped free my spirit from a dark place, telling me when I needed it the most that everything I needed was inside my soul. He’s the reason I’m standing here today. He’s the reason I have a future doing the one thing I love more than anything else. Healing. He’s my personal, incredible hero. That’s what we will become to so many who pray that with our skills, we can give them hope. Never forget the courage we need is inside all of us. It only takes that one special person or furry baby to show you the way. Allow your light to shine through. Always. Thank you.”

I took another deep breath, uncertain of the reaction. As I took a step back, the crowd roared, and I was able to see them rising to their feet. Tears streamed down my face, the longing to see Santiago, to touch him and have him hold me in his arms stronger than ever.

Then I heard a voice, a shout over the raucous applause.

“That’s my sweetheart. Way to go, Dr. Cavanaugh.”

I found myself walking toward the front of the stage, shielding my eyes. Then I saw him. Santiago, dressed in a crazy costume.

The man I loved.

The man I couldn’t do without.

And the man I wouldn’t allow to get away from me ever again.



“Tell me,” Willow insisted.

I glanced over as I landed the helicopter, barely able to keep the grin off my face. “Tell you what?”

“You had a hand in the fact I walked across that stage, giving a graduation speech. Didn’t you?”

“A man never shares all his secrets.”
