Page 39 of Captivated

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I can feel his warm breath on my lips. He’s giving me every chance to stop him, to say no, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Shivers race down my spine, lighting up my nerve endings. I’m tingling all over, and the sense of anticipation I’m feeling is more than I can possibly resist. My breasts ache as the heated spot between my legs starts throbbing. Every inch of me feels alive for the first time in ages.

“Three,” he says, and then his mouth covers mine.

At first, his lips brush mine gently, a prelude of what’s to come. Or maybe he’s giving me time to retreat if that’s what I want. When I smile, he comes in for another pass, this one deeper. His lips nudge mine apart.

It’s like no time has passed. My body remembers this—the taste of him, his scent, the heat. It’s all coming back in waves.

When I moan shamelessly, he deepens our kiss. And when his arms snake around me to hold me to his firm chest, my knees buckle.

“I’ve got you,” he says, catching me when I stumble. His voice is a sexy, low rasp that seeps deep into my bones.

I want so desperately to forget the past and simply be with him again. I want to feel the intense passion we once shared. I want to believe we can put the past behind us and start over. When I moan his name, he scoops me up in his arms and takes a step toward his bedroom.

And then a knock on the door shatters the moment, bringing us to a sudden halt. With a muttered curse, he sets me on my feet, and we break apart, putting distance between us. We’re both breathing hard as we stare at each other.

Again, there’s a knock on the door. “Aunt Kennedy? Uncle Connor? Are you in there?” Penny calls loudly. “Mommy said I had to knock first. Are you in there?”

“Oh, my god,” I say, bursting into nervous laughter.

Connor shakes his head. “That child’s timing is impeccable.”

I answer the door to find Penny standing on the front porch with a Barbie doll clutched in her hand. She grins up at me. “Hi.”

I return her smile. “Hi, Penny.”

She pokes her head inside and spots Connor in the kitchen putting away the rest of the dishes. “Are you guys busy? Do you want me to come in and visit with you?”

“How could we resist such an offer?” I ask as I open the door wide and wave her inside.

“Did you eat lunch?” Penny asks. “I did. Maggie made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. What did you have?”

“We had salmon,” I say. “Connor made it, and it was quite delicious.”

She makes a disgusted face. “I don’t like fish. Daddy catches fish in the lake and Maggie cooks them, but I don’t like them. They have bones.” She sticks out her tongue. “I only like fish fingers, not the grown-up kind of fish. Do you want to watch a movie with me?”

My head is spinning as I try to keep up with her. “Um…” I look to Connor.

“That’s a splendid idea,” he says as he wipes his hands on a dish towel. “I was just telling Kennedy we should watch a movie.” He winks at me. “I’ll make the popcorn. I know I spotted some in the cupboard.”

“Yay!” Penny cries. “What do you want to watch?”

I steer her toward the sitting area. “Why don’t you choose the movie?”

“Hmm,” she murmurs as she contemplates her choices. “How aboutMoana?It’s my favorite.”

While Connor is popping corn in the microwave, I send a quick text to Skye to let her know that Penny is with us and that we’re going to watch a movie.

Skye: Okay, thx. I hope she’s not interrupting anything.

Me: No, not at all. We’re happy to have her.

Then I cue up the requested movie and get Penny settled on the sofa, her Barbie doll seated in her lap.

“Kennedy, would you mind giving me a hand?” Connor asks from the kitchen.

“Sure.” I join him at the microwave just as it dings. “What can I do?”

He leans close and whispers in my ear. “Would it be rude of us to take a rain check on the movie? I can think of a few things I’d rather be doing right now.”
