Page 69 of Captivated

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“Without a moment’s hesitation.”

“Connor, I don’t know what to say.”

“How about sayingyes?”

She smiles. “Yes. Of course, yes.”

I scoop her up into my arms and kiss her as I navigate my way over to the bed, sidestepping the tiny settee and endeavoring not to run into the coffee table. When we reach the bed, I gently set her on the mattress. “No offense, love, but can we go apartment shopping soon? This place makes me feel a bit claustrophobic. I’m afraid if I make one wrong move, I’ll break a toe.”

She laughs. “Well, I’d caution you that the property prices in Manhattan are outrageous, but—” She cuts herself off with a laugh. “I guess that’s not a problem for you, is it?”

“Not at all,” I say as I kneel on the bed. “Let’s call an estate agent soon to get the ball rolling. But, in the meanwhile…” I lean down to kiss her. “We have a lot of celebrating to do.” I freeze. “Oh, by the way, in all the excitement I forget. Did you answer me?”

“Answer you about what?”

As I lower myself to one knee on the floor beside the bed, she sits up, her eyes widening. I take her hands in mine. “Kennedy Takahashi, will you please do me the honor of marrying me? I suppose this is a bit premature, as I don’t have a ring—”

She reaches out to cup my face, then leans close to press her lips to mine. “Yes,” she breathes. “I would love to marry you.” Then she fists my hair with one hand and deepens our kiss. Her eyes glitter with unshed tears. “All those years apart, Connor—that was my doing. My fault. I don’t ever want to lose you again.”

I rise to my feet and lie her back on the bed, looming over her as I rest my hands on the mattress, one on each side of her head. “You never lost me in the first place, Kennedy. I’ve always been here. I’ve always been yours. I was just waiting for you to realize it.”

Chapter 26

Kennedy Takahashi

Suddenly I feel lightheaded, as if the room is spinning. Connor’s talking about marriage. I never dreamed we’d get a second chance. That he’d forgive me for the choice I made all those years ago, without ever consulting him.

He switches off the lamp and lies down beside me. The glow from the streetlamp outside my apartment window casts a magical glow in the semi-darkness.

I feel giddy. Everything is different this time. The barrier between us has fallen—the one I created—and for once in a long time, I feel free to simply love him.

He leans over me, searching my expression.

“Connor, I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For not telling you what your grandfather—”

“Stop right there, Ken. What’s past is past. We’re looking to the future now.Ourfuture. There will be no recriminations, do you hear me?”

I laugh. “You say that now, but the first time you get mad at me, I’m sure you’ll throw it in my face. ‘Remember when you left me for five years?’” I do my best to imitate his London accent.

He laughs. “That was god-awful. I don’t sound like that at all. Well, as tempting as it might sound, I promise to refrain from reminding you.” He cups my cheeks. “I meant what I said. No dwelling in the past. We’re looking to the future now and all the amazing things coming our way.” He leans down and kisses the tip of my nose. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted, since that first day I saw you at Carmichael & Son. I’ll never forget it, Will and I were walking along the corridor, and there you were ahead of us. When you turned the corner and I saw your profile, my breath caught. I knew then, Ken.I knew.In fact, I told Will, ‘That’s the girl for me.’ You can ask him. Do you believe in love at first sight, Kennedy?”

I nod because I think I do. I also remember the first time I saw Connor. “Do you know what I thought when I first saw you?”


“I thought you were beautiful.”

Connor bats his lashes. “Gee, thanks.”

I swat his shoulder. “No, I mean beautiful like a Greek god.”

“Oh, well that’s better. I’ll take it.” He leans down and kisses me. “And now? Do you still think I’m beautiful?”

“You take my breath away.”
