Page 74 of Captivated

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But the future promises even better times now that Kennedy and I are back together. We’re both where we belong. I slip my arm around her and draw her close.

“It’s windy up here,” she observes as the cool breeze ruffles her hair.

I pull her into my arms and press my lips to her temple, breathing deeply of her warm, feminine scent. Instantly, I grow hard. “I’ll keep you warm.”

The sun is setting, so we stand a moment and admire the view. Kennedy leans back and rests her weight on me. I wrap my arms around her torso.

“It’ll be dark soon,” she observes. “We should probably think about trying out your bed soon so we can get ahead of jet lag tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” I say with a grin. “And for the record, it’sourbed.” I turn her to face me. “Everything I have is yours, Kennedy. I mean that, whether it’s my bed or my apartment, my properties, or my bank account.”

She laughs. “Ever heard of a prenup?”

“I don’t need one. I meant what I said. It’s all yours, too, as far as I’m concerned.”

Her dark eyes gaze up at me. “What about your heart? Is it still mine?”

I lean down and kiss her lips, reveling in their softness. “It never stopped being yours.”

Just as I’m about to prove my point, the glass door behind us slides open and Sarah pops her head outside. “Are you two hungry? Would you like something to eat?”

I look to Kennedy, who nods. “Maybe something really light? We’re pretty tired, and we’ll be going to bed soon.”

“Certainly,” Sarah says. “I’ll make up a nice little cheese board, with crackers and some fruit. How does that sound?”

“It’s perfect,” Kennedy says. “Thank you so much.”

With a parting nod, Sarah disappears back into the penthouse.

I kiss the side of Kennedy’s head. “I guess bed will have to wait until after dinner,” I tell her. “As eager as I am to get you into my bed, the least I can do is feed you first.” I grin. “You’ll need the calories to keep up your strength.”

Chapter 28

Kennedy Takahashi

From my vantage point on the balcony, I feel like I’m standing in the tower of a castle, with my own prince behind me, his strong arms wrapped around my torso.

Seeing him here in this high-end penthouse apartment makes me realize how much his life has changed. Connor’s a big deal now, and I imagine he carries a lot of clout these days, both socially and financially. I wasn’t here for this transformation. I should have been here for him, and I wasn’t.

I’m fighting a wave of sadness as I realize just how much of Connor’s life I’ve missed. Not only did I miss his grandfather’s passing, but I missed his career taking off at Carmichael & Son. I don’t even know if he likes working in capital investment. I have so much to catch up on, so much to learn about him.

The glass doors open, and Sarah pushes a serving cart out onto the balcony. On top of the cart is a large oval platter holding an artful array of cheeses, crackers, and cuts of fresh fruit.

“Thank you, Sarah,” I say. “This is perfect.”

Smiling, she nods. “You’re quite welcome, miss.”

When she leaves the room, I shake my head. “Is it so difficult for your staff to call me by my first name?”

“Apparently,” Connor says. “I’m sir, or the young gentleman. I think if she called me Connor, one of us would faint from the shock.”

Connor opens the bottle of white wine that’s peeking out of a silver ice bucket and pours two glasses and hands me one. “To our first meal together in London again,” he says, raising his glass to me.

* * *

That night, as we’re lying in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms after christening Connor’s enormous bed, I ask him, “Do you like your job? Do you like capital investment?”

He looks at me like I have two heads. “Sure. What’s not to love about it? It’s like playing a big game of Monopoly, only with other people’s money.”
