Page 33 of We Dance in Sin

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“Well, we need to call a group meeting, tell everyone at once.”

He shakes his head, eyes cold and focused on me. “We’ll put them all in danger.”

I rub my jaw, working my brain to figure out who it might be. I have speculations but noting with any solid grounds for prosecution. “Who is it?”



The shatterof glass has me shooting up in my bed and I watch in slow motion as someone crawls through my window. My heart races as I look around the room, thinking of a way out of this situation. This could be a nightmare, or even The Misfits, but as my body breaks out into goosebumps and my mind screams at me to run, I decide not to trust the what-ifs and trust my mind. I sprint out of bed, thankful Primrose decided to stay with Amiyah tonight.

My side bumps into the wall as I run down the hallway. Grunting, I keep my pace, frantically unlocking the front door and slipping into the hallway. My mind works in overdrive as I look down to where the elevators are. Then I look the other way, choosing the stairs since that’ll be faster. I hear my dorm door bang against the wall as I slip through the door to the staircase. My feet can’t keep up with my legs as I basically slide down the stairs. I hear the pounding of footsteps behind me, gaining speed with every step I take. They get two steps closer. Adrenalin and fear work up my throat, wanting to release a scream, but I swallow it down. I won’t show whoever this is any fear.

I feel a hand tangle in my hair from behind. My head explodes in pain as it’s thrown into the wall, causing my body to tip forward, and I go rolling down the stairs, crashing into the walls on the way down. My body collides with the exit door. My eyes water as my reinjured nose stings and blood starts trickling down to my mouth. Using the handle, I pull myself up, not looking over to see if the attacker is close, and I wrench the door open. Stumbling into the lobby on shaky legs, my body hits another and my knees give out. Strong hands wrap around my waist, bringing me into the warm, familiar body. “What the fuck happened to you?”

“Someone.” I gasp, pulling in gulps of air. “Someone broke into my room through the window and started chasing me.”

“I’m going to carry you to my car and then check things out.”

Beckett goes to release me, but I clutch my fingers into his shirt. “No. Please, just stay with me. Please,” I whisper brokenly.

I feel his hot lips on my forehead. “All right, baby. Come on.”

He lifts me in his arms, cradling me as he walks us out of the lobby and to his awaiting car. I don’t question why he was here, I’m just thankful he was, or I may be dead right now.

Once he gets me settled in his car, he walks around and climbs into the driver’s side. “I’ve had enough of this. You’re moving into the house with me so I can better protect you. At least until we get this all figured out.”

I don’t even argue, I just nod. My eyes are heavy with sleep as the adrenaline in my system calms down. Making me drowsy and emotional. Because why would someone want to kill me?

* * *

Beckett leadsme up the stairs to his bedroom. I hear giggling at the top before Amiyah’s door swings open, she and Primrose falling out in a heap of laughter. When they spot me, their cheerful expressions fall. “What happened?” Amiyah demands.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow. Brixley needs to rest, not be questioned.” His voice isn’t rude, but it’s final. Leaving no room for argument. It makes my chest tickle with tiny sparks of warmth at his protectiveness. I’ve always fought my own battles. My aunt raised an extremely strong, independent woman. Her motto? We don’t need men for anything. But maybe, I can set the sword down for a moment, allow him to protect me.

But he might be a killer,the small voice in the back of my mind reminds me.

Yeah, but I don’t think it’s him. If it were, he would have killed me by now. He’s had plenty of opportunities.

The note said rabbit,the voice presses.

Yes, but if the killer is trying to make everyone believe it’s The Misfits, they’d know my nickname. Beckett has not been secretive about calling me that. And the biggest clue: he wasn’t the one chasing me tonight, he was the one saving me.

“Is she at least okay?” Prim asks in a small voice.

“I’m okay, Prim,” I answer. Because we are not about to talk as if I can’t speak for myself. I’m seriously right here.

Beckett tugs on my hand, bringing me into his room. I take comfort in the warm, woodsy scent that is him. How it lingers in every molecule of the air. Beckett pulls his hoodie over his head, his shirt catching and exposing the sharp V-lines that disappear into his sweatpants. “What hurts, Rabbit?” he asks, stalking toward me.

“My head.” It still throbs from the assault.

His body covers mine as he pulls me into his chest, arms locking around my waist and back. He runs soothing circles over my body, hugging me tight to him. His head rests against the side of mine as I close my eyes, my hands sliding up his back and clutching his t-shirt.

He squeezes me, before breaking away from me to retrieve some pain meds and a glass of water. I swallow the pills, climbing into his giant, comfortable bed. I turn onto my side to look at Beckett as he lays next to me, facing me. His finger runs over my cheek. “Do you have any enemies?” I ask.

He pauses. “Why?”

“Because someone is trying to kill me and they are framing you and your little group.”
