Page 100 of Spark of Obsession

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He chuckles. “So you want to play Tetris.”

I nod happily. “Great idea.”

Zander playfully rolls his eyes. “Fine.”

After several long minutes, I don’t think my body can handle any more of the cold. I’m so not ready for winter. “Ready to head out?”


“I’ll meet you at the car. I need to go say goodbye to Claire and tell her we’re leaving.”

“Sounds good.”

I go back in the same way and round the corner to get inside the ballroom, only to spot Graham in the corner with a camera crew, giving what appears to be an interview. He looks like a celebrity with his polished looks. I assume that he has donated a decent chunk of money for the cause. Everything about the man seems rich and overly extravagant. When the camera guy moves, I catch who is standing at Graham’s side. The undeniable blonde tresses are perfectly styled in an elegant side do.


Anger boils in my blood, and it takes everything in me not to go over and claw his eyes out—and hers. The smile on his face and his eyes twinkling with laughter make me want to throw up. He’s playing with me and her at the same time. Maybe he even has another side chick, Penny.

Damn him.

Sophia is dressed in a pale pink floor-length ball gown, adorned with tiny reflective beads. The dress only has one side strap, completely leaving her left shoulder naked. It is not a functional dress. She is here solely as arm candy.

Pangs of jealousy poke at my confidence. She looks like a walking star, sparkling in the spotlight like a professional.

I stare in silence as if I’m in some sort of warp zone trance. The male reporter asks Graham about his jewelry company and his employee—Sophia. So they work together for business and for pleasure. Lovely. Graham takes his hand, the same hand that took off my panties just a half hour before, and gently pulls at the necklace around Sophia’s delicate neck. The beautiful diamond pendant sparkles in the lights of the production area, making me want to yank it off. My eyes fixate on the movement of his fingers. I watch a shiver run up her arms, knowing firsthand just how mesmerizing Graham’s touch can be. It feels like I am observing an intimate moment between lovers, and the jealousy building inside me bubbles with the start of a fresh life.

How can he tell me one minute that he wants me and then the next be all over Sophia? This looks to be way more than just business.

I force myself to move a few steps closer to hear the actual questions being asked. Everything else is blocked out, and my entire focus is on them.

“Can you share any details on Jealousy? The line seems to be taking off and gathering fans exponentially. My wife is one of them.” The male reporter makes a quirky face into the camera. “Sorry, honey.”

Graham smiles at the reporter, diverting his eyes momentarily to his feet. Is he being shy? I never thought I would see this with my own eyes. He chuckles and reverts back to his impeccable stature. “The particular line is one of my pet projects, one I take great pride in, so thank you for acknowledging it. The only thing I can promise in the future is innovative products that appeal at the multisensory level.”

“And there you have it, folks, the enigmatic owner of Jealousy, Mr. Graham Hoffman and his partner in crime Sophia Chantel. You can find these two—”

The voices fade as I continue to stare. I can’t believe I let him touch me. In a public place! I fell for everything that spewed from his mouth. I am an idiot. But it wasn’t like I wasn’t warned.

When the two laugh with the reporter, who is eating up their on-screen chemistry, I am sent over the edge. I bypass the ballroom, bumping into a few people on the way out of the building.

I suck in air through my teeth, as I try to calm down my frantic heart. What is happening to me? Why am I this upset? Tears drip down my cheeks in angry streams, as I try not to hyperventilate.

Just breathe.

I shield my face from anyone exiting the venue and focus on staying calm—but it is useless.

Momma, I could really use you right now.


“Are you okay, Angie?” Claire asks, as I make my way through the door to our townhouse. “You should’ve been home an hour ago. Where did you go?” She stands up and gives me the biggest hug, which only makes me cry even more.

“I just had a moment. That’s all.”

“What happened? You were fine when I left the fundraiser.”

I give her a squeeze back and then pull away. “It’s just been a rough day. I really don’t want to talk about it.” Not with her nor with Zander, despite him asking multiple times in the car what happened. I wish I knew what was really wrong. My meltdown just seems over the top when I try to explain it to even myself. “I think I was just long overdue for an ugly cry. The cancer charity gala just happened to be the location of said freak-out fest.”
