Page 143 of Spark of Obsession

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“Tonight was about you. I can wait. Plus, edging is a way to make everything more intense when it finally does happen.”

“Oh,” I mouth. He did mention something in his office about it. I just thought it was an expression and not an actual practice.

Graham kisses my forehead and then my lips. He smacks my ass and laughs over my jumpiness.

After spending at least an hour cuddling, we browse through women’s magazines and give each other the cheesy quizzes that are featured in every issue until our tummies growl.

“Do I need to make you a snack?” he asks, pretending his didn’t growl along with mine.

I reluctantly get up from the bed and throw on a thick cotton robe. Graham puts his pants back on but forgoes his shirt. For that I am thankful.

I lead him downstairs and into the kitchen. From the fridge, I pull out a variety of cheeses, olives, cured meats, and crackers to snack on. We sit on the island stools and munch on our food, laughing at each other’s silly jokes.

The sound of Graham’s phone stops me midgiggle. He curses under his breath and fishes out his device for the second time.

“I have to take this, I’m sorry,” he apologizes, and then swipes his finger across the screen to accept the call.

I hop upstairs to grab my own phone and check my messages. When I pad down the stairs, Graham is still on the phone. His posture is stiff as he paces the living room. I settle my butt on the stairs and do what I’m not supposed to do. I listen.

“Borrowed license and tags? Yeah, I figured as much. Fuck,” he growls. “I knew that this would happen as soon as it was printed. Yeah. Yeah, I know she is freaked out. Put her on the phone.”

Who is he talking to? A family member? Sophia? The mysterious Penny? And what has him so stressed?

“I’ll be there shortly. You need to calm down. I have my men assigned to this; we will figure it all out. Yes, you are safe. I won’t let anything happen to you, you know that. Proceed with your daily routines. We will find him.”

As Graham is about to end the call, I sneak back upstairs and gently close my bedroom door before taking the flight down a little bit louder than usual.

“Hey,” he smiles at my presence.

“Hey,” I answer, trying to read his body language. Something is definitely wrong, and from his stance, he does not want to talk about it. His focus is over my shoulder at some spot on the wall.

“Something has come up that needs my full attention.”

I give a short nod.

He goes back upstairs to retrieve the rest of his clothes, and I wait from the bottom step.

He pulls me against him and looks me straight in the eyes. “Tonight was one of the best nights I’ve had in a very long time.”

I can’t help but get the impression that he feels guilty over it or that it will be the last one.

“Me too,” I agree.

Deep down I know that the call was about Sophia. She is in trouble, and he will come to the rescue. Choosing to be mad at him for caring about her would be selfish. While lately I have been those two things, tonight I want to be different.

Tonight is another turning point. I got to see a different side of Graham. A fun side. A normal side. I catch myself falling even deeper for him. But lurking in the background, there’s someone else vying for his attention. And she is everything that I am not.


There’s something to be said for the power of a full night’s rest. Medical studies have been done for decades over the importance, need, and quest for sleep. Every morning that I wake up without the recollection of a nightmare is classified as decent. And this morning has the sun shining, and despite having Graham’s stay cut short last night, I feel positive and dare I say—perky?

It is comforting waking up and knowing that I have a plan for the day. Sometimes it’s the simple routines that keep me balanced. And on today’s agenda, I think I will add a walk to the mix.

I wrestle my hair into submission long enough to pull it back into a ponytail. I throw on yoga pants that barely fit my booty and an oversized sweatshirt. I make my way downstairs to search for my sneakers that I use for these rare occasions. It has been a while since I’ve gone for a basic walk, but today just seems like as good a time as ever to make a change.

I grab my keys and mini pepper spray, and then lock up. Claire and Ethan must still be asleep, so I try to be as quiet as possible. They leave for their glamping trip today and are probably just catching up on rest.

The air is cold but I know that once I get a pace going, I will warm right up. My knees rub against the spandex and cotton fabric blend, producing a mild ache. The good thing about living relatively close to the university is that there are tons of sidewalks around the community. I turn left and walk along in front of the row of townhouses. A few people are out walking their dogs, and I get sniffed a few times in passing. The grass is still wet from last night’s rain, and despite the little scare with the text message, I feel safe with all the morning walkers out. Who knows, some of them may be just coming home from a night out partying.
