Page 15 of Feel My Love

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“Right now, Leo.”

Cupping her face, he told her seriously, “Amelia...there’ll be massive fallout. Are you prepared for it? It won’t be like the times we’ve missed curfew or when we went hiking and you sprained your ankle.”

“I know.”

“She seems to think you’re going to be a virgin princess supermodel or some shit. That narrative is very loud and obvious in her brain.” He frowned. “My lineage is enough to date you. One of the brown people she hates is never supposed to make love to you. I don’t know what she thinks is going to happen in the future but I can promise that she’ll make the last few weeks of school a nightmare for you. I can wait, Amelia. It’s not much longer until you can leave and never look back if that’s what you want.”

“I don’t care about her. Take me there.” Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she whispered, “I can deal with anything that happens after. Please?”

He nodded and helped her into the passenger seat. She fixed her clothing and buckled her seatbelt while he did the same. He got on the highway, driving the opposite direction of their school. There would be consequences for his decision from his own parents for the decision he was making. He’d gladly pay them.

But not now.

It was the last few weeks of senior year. He’d tutored Amelia every year to help her stay caught up when her mother pulled her out of classes more and more frequently.

Leo could have graduated two years early but chose to take college courses in tandem to stay with Amelia. He’d have his bachelor’s within months of getting his high school diploma. He was their class valedictorian and student body president.

None of it really mattered to him. Leo did well because it came easily to him and he had no excuse not to excel. It was credits and accolades and paper.

Amelia was the reason he got up every morning.
