Page 22 of Feel My Love

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That was how their parents found them hours later.

Leo’s mother and father followed Augusta and Gil to keep things calm. While they’d assured Amelia’s mother repeatedly that the young people were safe, she’d refused to act rationally.

The woman demanded the police department track the LoJack in Leo’s SUV. Upon arrival at the cabins, she screamed threats until she was given a key from the kindly couple who owned the place.

Augusta didn’t hesitate to use it without knocking - throwing the door wide and gasping at the vision of her daughter’s naked body spooned by her boyfriend.

Leo’s eyes opened and he literally growled, “Get out of this room. You have no right to see her this way.” Augusta opened her mouth to scream and Gil shoved her toward the door. “You will not humiliate her. Wait outside.”

Amelia’s eyes fluttered open to see Leo’s feral expression above her and realized their peace had come to an end. He pulled the blankets up and tucked her body closer to his own.

“How dare you touch her? You aren’t fit to lay your brown...” Her voice was muffled as if Gil put his hand over it. The horrible woman continued screaming on the porch.

Leo’s parents backed from the room and the door closed.

He whispered, “I love you and it’s going to be alright.”

She nodded and lifted her body, her palm on his cheek. “I know that, Leo.”

They showered and dressed.

Before opening the door to their parents, he said, “There are only a few more weeks until graduation. A few weeks is nothing.”

“That was before I felt you inside me, Leo. I can never go back to before again. You’re like a drug.” She lifted up and kissed him deeply, thrilled when he gripped her body hard through her clothes.

They opened the door and Augusta immediately started pointing her finger in his face and yelling.

He listened for thirty seconds and held up his hand. Her voice stuttered to a stop.

“I’d love to hear the story of your first time, Augusta. I’m sure it was the night of your honeymoon, right? We’re eighteen and we’ve been dating almost four years. We waited for one another and used protection.”

He tightened his hold around Amelia’s shoulders.

“We love one another and that should be all that matters. It wasn’t the backseat of a car or one of us sneaking out a second story window. No danger, no fear. I drove Amelia here alone and I intend to drive her back alone.”

Augusta screamed, “You’re a rutting animal!”

Leo whirled on her, years of pent-up fury spilling from his mouth. “How dare you pretend to care for her? She’s a puppet to you, nothing more. You let her starve. You hop her up on caffeine and anything else you can think of that’s semi-legal. She started smoking. She’s working all the damn time. She’s underweight again and you don’t give a damn about the anorexia coming back. When she’s away, she’s depressed. When she’s home, she strung out trying to readjust to her life. What do you want from her?”

Augusta sputtered in rage, her skin a mottled red. “If you got her pregnant, so help me God…I won’t have it!”

Leo spoke softly, his tone dangerous, “If all the protection we used didn’t work and Amelia is pregnant, it will simply speed up our wedding. Don’t make threats. I warn you.”

“Y-you warn me? I’ll have you arrested! You dirty…”

Gil put his hand over her mouth. “Stop. Stop it, Augusta. My god, what is wrong with you? We’ve known they were going to marry for years, damn it. You’re overreacting!”

Looking at Amelia’s father, a man he genuinely liked most of the time, Leo said, “Stop letting her hurt your child. That woman has taken enough from Amelia - more than you’re aware of. The rest of Amelia’s life belongs to her and her alone. I’ll make sure of it.”

With that, he led Amelia to his SUV, settling her on the front seat before going around and climbing behind the wheel.

Leo drove her home and waited for the fallout.

Every second they had to deal with was worth it to have the day they’d had together.
