Page 46 of Feel My Love

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He walked to the window that looked out on the back yard. He needed a moment to still the raging confusion in his mind. Inhaling slowly, he fought for calm.

Finally, he told her, “You must feel very much alone with Gil’s loss, Amelia. It’s good you patched things up with him in the end. Feel free to lean on my parents. You know they love you.” Looking at her over his shoulder, he added, “However, if you think I’ll be your support system when you vanished without a conversation or giving a single fuck what you doing so did to my life, you are sorely mistaken.”

“I don’t want you to be my support system, Leo.” She stared at the floor as if gathering her thoughts. “I made myself strong enough not to need that anymore.”

“That’s great. I’m happy for you. I’ll see you at the funeral. Let me know if you need anything for the service. It’s the least I can do for Gil. He was a friend to me after you left.” He shrugged. “How he managed it without ever giving away where you were or what you were doing, I have no idea.” He returned to staring out the window. “I appreciated his friendship more than I let him know.”

“I’m sorry for everything, Leo…”

“Thank you. I accept your apology.” Clasping his hands behind his back, he murmured, “Allow me to offer my sincere apology for being unable to provide what you needed when you were hurting. It was good to see you again, Amelia.”

There was a soft thump and the sound of the door closing. Leo exhaled roughly and felt as if all the energy drained from his body at once.

Then Amelia was in front of him. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around his torso, held him tightly, and laid her cheek on the front of his shoulder.

He froze.

He held his breath.

Then the way her body felt pressed against his fully registered and her scent drifted over him.

His cock reacted instantly as the rest of his muscles coiled under his skin. He fought his response to her - the way she smelled, the feel of her, every moment her very presence made him remember - but it was his Amelia.

A sound left him that was part whimper of pain and part growl of possession. Her arms held him harder.

She was the one being on the planet who made him feel both powerless and superhuman at the same time.

“Please, Leo. Please.”

He wrapped his arms around Amelia roughly, one hand fisting the hair at the base of her skull. He pulled her head back and their eyes locked.

Through gritted teeth, he said, “I should hate you…”

“Pretend like you do, Leo.”

Reaching up, she gripped his hair and pulled him down for an aggressive kiss. As her tongue twined around his, every rational thought fled his mind.

Lifting her, he slammed her into the wall beside the window then went back to eating at her mouth. Her leg gripped his hip and she ground her jeans-covered pussy over his cock.

She ripped at his shirt and buttons scattered across the wood floor but not all of them. He impatiently yanked it over his head and did the same to her t-shirt. He ripped the clasp on her bra taking it off. Reclaiming her mouth, Amelia’s hands frantically worked at his belt and pants.

He got her jeans and panties to her hips. She broke their kiss again to kick away her heels and shove the clothes off her lower body. He did the same an instant before she leapt at him, certain he would catch her. The feel of her naked skin against his almost sent him to his knees.

Leo felt Amelia’s long legs wrap around his waist and grip him with all her strength. It was heaven.

He positioned himself at her pussy and shoved deep without checking if she was ready. She was wet and hot.

The years spent suppressing his anger, confusion, and pain made him fuck her harder than he should have. He delivered short, brutal strokes he later recognized were meant to punish Amelia for leaving, for staying gone.

She pulled his hair hard enough to hurt but he welcomed the sensation. “Don’t stop, Leo. Don’t stop.”

Not trusting himself to respond, he stared into her eyes as he drove his cock deep. He watched the orgasm move through her.

She screamed his name, pulled him to her, and kissed him hard enough to cut his lip with her teeth. He gave as good as he got.

She moaned, “Mm hmm.”

Adjusting the angle of his thrusts, her head dropped back and her eyes rolled back in her head.
