Page 62 of Feel My Love

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Jerking his head to the side, he met Baylor’s gaze in the rearview mirror. “Dude…”

“Mrs. Whitehall, I wish you hadn’t mentioned that to Leo. Chaos interrupts the flow in his big brain. We like to keep him limber as much as possible.”

“Oh, dear.”

The bodyguard laughed. “It’s alright. Let’s focus on Amy and then Leo can grill his parents about the going price for what amounts to a Spanish prince. Should be exciting.”

Rubbing his temples, Leo struggled to compartmentalize the various information flooding into his brain.

“I’m going to make sure the woman I love is okay and then I’m going to kick your ass, Baylor.”

“There’s a first time for everything, you big nerd.”

Augusta burst out laughing and clapped her hand over her mouth. Leo shook his head as he leaned his head against the seat.

“Disrespect, Baylor.”

“Truth telling and a distinct lack of ass kissing, you mean. Sit back and breathe, Leo. I’ll run you by your place for a bag and get us on a flight.”

“I booked them already, Baylor.” Augusta removed several pieces of paper from her bag. “When we stop you can take a look.” Shrugging at Leo, she said, “I knew you’d come. There’s never been a time you didn’t go to Amy when you suspected she needed you.”

The words moved him.

* * *

They landed in Seattle several hours later and Baylor nodded at the driver who waited for them. To Leo’s surprise, his bodyguard got in the backseat with them.

As he drew ever closer to Amelia, he’d begun to run through various scenarios that would explain Augusta’s worry.

Each was worse than the last.

Augusta reached over and patted his hand where it rested on his thigh. “Amy loves you more than her own life. I mean that, Leo. She didn’t want you to come but you’ll understand why when you see her. It isn’t because she doesn’t want you with her. Don’t be afraid.”

“A little late for that.”

The vehicle traveled through Seattle and pulled to a curb in a gorgeous retail district. The driver came around and stood beside the door but didn’t open it.

“Leo, you cannot freak out. I need your word.”

“I’m not really the freak out type. I mean…really.”

Giving a small snort of laughter, Augusta murmured, “Oh honey...sometimes one really can’t help it. This is one of those situations.” Reaching out, she tapped on the window and the door was opened. She pointed at a modern storefront. “That’s Amy’s studio.”


“Yes. She’s done well.” She smiled up at him. “And now for something that’s going to blow the top of your head off.”

Baylor held the door for them to enter. Leo saw Amelia across the room. She was facing away from him, sitting on a stool, a huge digital camera attached to a tripod in front of her.

She wore a beautiful emerald green sweater, soft leather pants, and flat boots. It was rare for Amelia to wear flat shoes unless they were sneakers.

Her hair was even longer now, shimmering in the set lights, and pulled back from her face with tiny clips.

She laughed and encouraged the young woman in front of the camera to relax and be herself. The images appeared on several screens to Amelia’s left.

“Kim, tell me something funny that happened to you.”

“Oh my god! I bent down to get something out of my locker in ninth grade and my pants ripped. Not a little bit, Ally…all the way. You could see my underwear with little green shamrocks all over them. It was nowhere near St. Patrick’s Day. Mom hadn’t had a chance to do laundry. I was thirty pounds heavier then. There was a boy I liked so I squeezed myself into my sister’s jeans. It was such a big deal then. Now though…I can laugh about it.”
