Page 14 of Coming Home

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“I don’t have…”

“Insurance is unnecessary, ma’am.” He released a soft whistle and another man entered who was several inches taller.


“Allow us to assist you, ma’am.”

When asked if she needed to take anything with her, she replied numbly, “My purse and that book on the nightstand.”

They handed her what she needed and the taller paramedic carried her down the stairs. She tried to avoid the inquiring looks from the other residents as they took her to a waiting SUV.

Half an hour later, she was treated at a private clinic. She received a soft cast that could be removed to shower, crutches, and instructions to keep pressure off her foot for at least a week.

The doctor handed her a prescription for pain. “Bennett requested I give you a mild pain reliever since he doubts you have a high tolerance for medications.”

“I-I don’t,” she agreed.

“If you need anything at all, my nurses will arrange to come by to get you.” The elderly doctor smiled. “Do you have any questions?”

“Oh, yeah. I have a thousand questions but none you can answer so...thanks.”

“My pleasure, Miss Foxe. Ice that foot and stay off it.”

The men who’d transported her loaded her back into the SUV. They filled her prescription, chose supplies and a few snacks, and took her back to her dorm. The students who lived in the same building watched her entrance on crutches with as much confusion as Rowan felt.

The first nurse placed a bag beside her bed that contained ice packs that froze when you broke them, an extra soft cast, and a collapsible cane for later use. “You have the crutches but it might be easier to use the cane back and forth to the bathroom. Can we get you anything else, Miss Foxe?” She shook her head. “Very good. We’ll leave you to get some rest.” He placed a card on the nightstand. “Anything you need, give me a call and we’ll come by.”

“I-I won’t call.”

“Mr. Jefferson said you’d say that. You have it in case of emergency. Rest up.”

“Thank you.” She stared at the door for almost a minute after the men left. “The Lion of Finance is a lot nicer man than anyone would ever guess.”

She made her way slowly to the bathroom, managed a precarious shower, and changed into her pajamas. By the time she crawled in bed, she was exhausted. The dull throb in her ankle finally made her break down and take a pain pill.

It knocked her out for nine solid hours.

The following day, she met with her residential advisor. She needed to vacate her dorm room within three days and the girl offered to help.

“That’s okay. You don’t have to do that.”

“How are you going to pack and carry boxes with a cast?”

“Uh, good point. Let me think about it for a bit and see if I can figure out a plan…”

A light tap on the door startled them both. A delivery man stood there with a vase of Gerbera daisies.

“Miss Foxe?” She nodded. “These are for you.”

He placed them on the windowsill and handed her the card tucked inside. With a small salute, he was gone.

Rowan, you don’t strike me as a rose woman. Daisies are more down-to-earth. They suit you, I think. I do hope you’re feeling better. Let me know if you need anything.


Rowan sat staring at the vibrant petals for a long time. Her RA shook her from her introspection.

“New boyfriend?”
