Page 36 of Coming Home

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He met her eyes and said softly, “I can’t believe you did this.”

“I didn’t.Youdid this, Bennett. You made buckets of money and used a lot of it to help men, women, and children you didn’t know, would never meet. You could have insulated yourself in an ivory tower, lived a life of excess, and tuned out the needy...but you didn’t.”

She gestured at the lit displays. “As I read stories from children who used to be homeless, women who were trapped in abusive relationships with nowhere to go, and businesses who credit you with saving their families...I loved you even more and Idid notthink it was possible.”

Bennett pulled her roughly into his arms and kissed her with a desperation she’d never felt in him.

It matched her own.

Breaking it, he cupped her skull in his hands and said through gritted teeth, “Why didn’t I meet you sooner? Why didn’t I getdecadesto love you?”

“You have me now and I’m going to love you forever.”

A sound of pain escaped him. “Dance with me again. Let me show every person here how lucky I am to have the love of such a magnificent woman.”

“Nothing would make me happier.” In her heels, she was closer to his lips and she leaned up to kiss them. “I’m the lucky one, Bennett. Every second with you shows me who I want to be.”

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Fear churned in her chest but she hid it.

When he opened them, he led her back to the dance floor. He introduced her to his oldest friends, men and women he worked closely with, and explained that she was the next generation.

During one conversation, Bennett said, “I’ve personally mentored this brilliant woman since she was hit by my car. She’s been making moves for the last year on her own and I can attest to her prowess.” Squeezing her against his side, he kissed her temple. “My Lioness is fearless.”

Samuel Fields settled his gaze on Rowan. After a long pause, he extended his hand and she placed hers in it.

“Bennett is a man withexquisitetaste and that has never been more evident than his choice to make you his wife. It’s a pleasure to meet you at last, Mrs. Jefferson.”

“Call me Rowan. Bennett has told me so much about you and I’m sure we’ll work together in the future.” She gave him a sly smile. “I love asking for painfully large checks.”

He laughed. “Then it’s good I enjoy writing them. Ah, here’s my own slice of heaven. Monica darling, this is Rowan.”

The small and incredibly beautiful woman took Rowan’s hand in both of hers. “You arelovely. We’ve known Bennett since college and he’s never oozed pure happiness like he does now. Well done, you!”

The four of them had talked for several minutes when Mary-Margaret got Rowan’s attention from a few feet away.

Smiling at the couple, Rowan explained, “I’m going to steal my husband away. He needs to make a speech and has barely eaten all evening. Thank you so much for coming.” Glancing up at Bennett, she asked, “Are you ready to impress the crowd, you eloquent man?”

“I only wish to impress you.”

“You do with every breath you take.”

Bennett shook hands with Samuel and they seemed to share a silent conversation. He pressed his cheek to Monica’s and when he pulled back, Rowan could have sworn there were tears in the woman’s eyes.

Fear crawled up her spine. It felt like everyone was in on a painful secret except her.

* * *

Bennett took the stage with unbelievable energy and Rowan met James’ eyes in confusion.

The bodyguard had maintained a further distance than usual from the man he protected and hadn’t said a word to Rowan since she’d gone searching for her husband at the start of the evening.

James was deliberatelyavoidingher.

Crushing down the fear, the unknown, she focused on Bennett. He spoke animatedly with the DJ and stepped up to the mic as he turned to the guests who gathered closer.

“First, I want to thank everyone for coming. Some of you came a long way to celebrate with me and I appreciate it. The people here right now are the closest in my life. My friends, colleagues who became friends, trusted staff, my dear Mary-Margaret who’s kept things running for almost forty years, my bodyguard James who’s the closest thing to a son I’ve ever had - and I technically have a son.” There was laughter among the guests.

Meeting Rowan’s eyes, he held out his hand and said, “Come up here, darling.” Blushing, she went to his side. “Most of you know my incredible wife. For those of you who don’t, this is my Rowan. The week before I met her, I was told I had less than a year to live - if a heart attack didn’t snuff me out suddenly.”
