Page 55 of Coming Home

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“Mrs. Jefferson, you’re pregnant and healthy as can be. Do you know the date of conception? That will help us narrow down your due date.”

Her palms on her stomach, Rowan smiled as she cried. “Yes. I know the date of conception. I will never, ever forget it.”

Chapter Fifteen

Getting confirmation that she was pregnant changed everything for Rowan. Instantly, she was focused on the child growing in her body.

The child Bennett gave her before he died.

The child he died to give her.

She threw herself into work to make sure she’d be able to take time off when the baby came.

Mary-Margaret and James were indispensable to her each and every day. They were as excited as Rowan to welcome the new addition to their odd little family dynamic.

In the spring, when she was safely past her first trimester, she called Miss Jeffries to share the news.

Shockingly, it was Gage who answered the phone. “I don’ Miss Jeffries alright?”

“She’s okay, Rowan. She slipped comin’ down the stairs a couple of days ago and wrenched her back pretty bad. The doctors have her on bed rest so Mom and I are helpin’ out with the girls who are with her right now.”

“Tell her I’m coming.”

“It’s okay…”

“Gage, that woman is like a mother to me. Why didn’t someone call to tell me what happened?”

“I, uh, planned on that. Mom was gonna ring you later today. I didn’t want you to worry.”

Standing to pace, Rowan frowned. “She’s seventy-three. I worry about her all the time. I’ll be there in a few hours. Let her know. Also, I’ll have Mary-Margaret send over the women who covered for Miss Jeffries when she was here.”

“You don’t have to…”

“I do, Gage. I do have to.”

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. “Then I guess we’ll see you when you get here, Rowan.”

Disconnecting, Rowan turned to yell for James and found him right behind her.

He asked, “Miss Jeffries?” She nodded. “I’ll prep transport and let Mary-Margaret know to pack your office gear. Throw a bag together.” He turned to go and stopped. “Did you call Nina? Maybe she should come.”

Something about the way he said it just as she was about to dial Nina in New York made her look up. His eyes were bright, his stance tense.

Lowering the phone, Rowan gave him a slow smile. “Well, well. James has asecret.”

“Don’t be a brat.” He cleared his throat. “I just know she’s close to Miss Jeffries as well. That’s all.”

“Sure, James. I’ll call her now. Get Nina on down to Texas so we can make sure Miss Jeffries is okay. See if she can stay a few days...just to be safe.”

“I dislike you when you’re like this,” he said gruffly.

“It’s sorarethat I get the opportunity! The last time was that adorable caterer a million moons ago. Cute but crazy, that one. Seemed so normal - then full nutbar.” Considering, she tilted her head. “Come to think of it, there hasn’t been anyone that I recall since you met Nina. Maybe that’s just a coincidence, James.” She winked. “Is it? A coincidence?”

He seemed to struggle for something to say so she helped.

“Nina is beautiful, kind, and stronger than she realizes. Since you’re one of the best men I’ve ever met, you’d be good for her. God knows, she deserves a decent man in her life.” Dialing, she put the phone to her ear and said, “Hey, Nina. Listen, Miss Jeffries had a fall. She’s okay but I’m headed there now.” She stared at her bodyguard as she listened to her friend. “Yes, I knew you’d want to be there.” Smiling slowly, she replied, “Of course James will be with me. He goes with me everywhere. Uh huh, you’re just curious. I get it. See you tomorrow.”

Passing him to pack, she said, “The coincidences are piling up and each of you are socuriousabout the other. I can’t wait to see what happens. Let’s hustle, James.”
