Page 83 of Coming Home

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“You feel good, Gage.”

One kiss and he nudged his horse into a walk. When they were on the road, he whispered, “Do you trust me, Rowan?”

She nodded and gasped as Teddy started to run. Terrified at first, by the time they entered the yard of her house, she was laughing with her hair wild around her face.

James and Mary-Margaret stood on the porch with big smiles. The bodyguard held Benji.

Gage swung down and pulled Rowan from the saddle. He carried her to the porch and put her on her feet, pulling her to him for a quick kiss.

He moved past her and held his arms out to James who placed Benji in them without hesitation. “Hello there, little man. You and I are gonna get along great.”

Rowan watched as Gage walked to his horse with Benji and set his tiny palm on Teddy’s neck.

“You’re gonna be around a lot of horses and cows in your life. This is Roosevelt. I call him Teddy. He’s the best horse I’ve ever had and the first one your mama ever rode.”

He added in a mock whisper, “He’ll be the first oneyouride as soon as we get one of those little baby backpacks and some sedatives for your poor mother.”

Kissing his soft head, Gage whispered something in Benji’s ear and her son gurgled.

“Yeah, we understand one another, don’t we, Benji? We’ll talk more later but I bet you’re starvin’.” With that, he carried Benji to Rowan and placed him in her arms.

She looked between them and asked, “What did you say?”

He winked. “I told him not to be too hard on me. I’ve never been a dad before.”

“Rowan, darling.” Mary-Margaret’s voice was stern. “Is there news you wish to share with two people who have been waiting breathlessly for your return?”

She held up her hand and said, “Gage asked me to marry him.” She smiled nervously and James stepped down to hug her tightly. “I said yes. It-it won’t be for a while but...” Her voice trailed away.

Nodding, the assistant said, “A wedding next summer perhaps. That would be lovely. I think James should walk you down the aisle. Oh, there’s much to do…”

“Wait,” Rowan interrupted with a frown. “You’re not surprised. Did he mention asking?”

“I’m certain I wouldn’t know, darling.” Then Mary-Margaret’s face lifted and tears shimmered in her eyes. “But I hoped.”

Placing her hand on the woman’s cool cheek, she said, “I’ll need your help. Maybe Miss Jeffries would help, too. I-I don’t have a mother.”

“It would be my greatest p-pleasure, darling.”

Looking at James, she asked, “Where’s Nina?”

Clearing his throat, her bodyguard murmured, “With the girls.”

“I need a sleepover so I can talk to her.” Smiling, she snuggled Benji close. “Let’s go visit Miss Jeffries.” Her t-shirt was wet. “After I feed this famished child.”

Later that night, they piled into Miss Jeffries’ house and spent the evening cooking, talking, and reading with two adorable little girls.

Rowan stared at her family: the men and women who had been part of so many moments - good and bad - in her life.

Smiling down at her son, she whispered, “Our family, Benji. The ones we chose. I think everything is going to be okay.”

Benji stared intently into her eyes...and laughed.
