Page 14 of Run to You

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A place Nina’s body assured her shevery muchwanted to be.

Softly, he asked, “How long will you be in town, Miss Adams?” Her lips parted but she could make no sound. “Allow me to rephrase the question.” His voice didn’t carry beyond the cocoon that seemed wrapped around them. “While you’re here, I’d like the chance to speak with you privately.”

Staring at him unblinkingly, she simply said, “Yes.”

More importantly, she meant it.

“My position as the head of Bennett’s security means I need to ensure others cover him at all times. If I took your hand and lead you away from the other guests...would you come with me, Nina?”


His fingers tightened around hers. “The only answer I allowed myself to consider.” There was a small pause and then, “Do you feel it?”

Confused - but not about the question - she nodded.

“You strike me as a runner if anything makes you feel vulnerable. I’m particularly skilled in pursuit.”

“A hunter then?” she asked quietly.

“No, Nina. Not with you. With you, I think I’ll be something else entirely. Let your curiosity overcome your fear.” His thumb stroked the inside of her wrist. “How fast your heart beats.”

All her life, Nina had used men and been used by them. Notoneof them had ever given her butterflies in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t a sensation she recognized initially.

“Whoareyou?” She didn’t intend to ask the question aloud but managed to do so anyway.

“James. You can decide what that means.” He winked. “I’ll give you a point. I sense you need it.”

Leaning forward slightly, she murmured, “Do you think youknowme, James?”

He stared at her for almost a minute without speaking. “I know enough about agony to recognize a fellow carrier. I know youlikethe way you feel right now. Your breathing is rapid. Your nipples are furled like tight little cherries, and your upper chest is flushed.” James leaned closer and added even more softly, “If I were to slip my hand along your thigh, beneath your dress, and inside your panties, I know your pussy would be wet.”

She released a barely contained whimper of need.

One side of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I may not know everything about you, Nina...but I’m a quick study. Particularly regarding a woman who makes me harder than I’ve ever been in my life.”

He pressed his lips to the back of her hand and stood, releasing his grip on her slowly. She wanted to grab him and pull him back.

James murmured to Bennett and walked rapidly across the courtyard to speak to several men scattered across the property.

Nina listened to the conversations around her with a small portion of her mind but kept James in her line of sight at all times: watching him move, seeing how his men interacted with him, and wondering when he would take her hand and lead her away.

Part of her wanted to run; to call a car service and get away from Bennett Jefferson’s estate and as far from his bodyguard as she could.

Instead, she stayed where she was.

Still, silent, waiting.

Chapter Five

Two hours later, Nina watched as James returned to the canopy and assisted his employer to his feet. He was kind to Bennett and she could see the bond they shared.

It resembled the relationship Gage once had with his father. The Chambers were the only normal family Nina had ever witnessed in real life.

Rowan stood and fear was clearly written in her expression. She twisted her fingers nervously but played along with the ruse that Bennett was suffering from nothing more than the heat.

The younger man allowed Bennett to retain his dignity as he all but lifted him fully from the chair in which he sat.

Holding her husband’s cheeks, Rowan whispered, “I’ll run inside in a bit to soak up some hubby time in the air conditioning.”
