Page 42 of Run to You

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James was a man who always followed through.

Admittedly, it was a trait Nina admired.

Chapter Fourteen

Nina rented a house ten minutes from Jefferson Wood. James insisted on renting the place in his name.

She answered her cell phone when Rowan called and pretended she was still in New York. She lied to Miss Jeffries as well. Being back in Texas would cause too many questions from the people she’d known as a girl.

A ticking clock hung over the world.

There was a kinetic energy in James that gradually built as the days passed. He was a strong man unable tostopor evenslowthe tragedy that was coming.

The loss of his employer, his friend, a man who was more like a father to him.

For someone like James to feelpowerlessmade him crazy. Nina encouraged him to take out his frustration on her, accepted the aggression that churned beneath his skin, and steadily depleted him of the ability to remain conscious once he spent his reserves giving her everything he had.

Their time in her bed was half fucking and half sleeping. It was obvious he wasn’t getting enough rest otherwise.

After a six-hour marathon of sex, she climbed from the bed and left James sleeping soundly. She was getting good at knowing when he was faking it.

Showering, she dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, made coffee, and read a book in the corner chair in her bedroom.

It had taken time to get used to the bigger space of her new home. After all, she’d gone from a cage, to sharing a room with Rowan, to her little walk-up.

Unsure what to do with it, she didn’t argue when James had furniture delivered, stocked her normal sized refrigerator, and brought her gifts that made it feel like a home.

Hours later, James startled awake. He looked at her and asked, “How thefuckdo you do that? I never sleep so deep.”

She shrugged. “Coffee?”

As Nina passed the bed, he grabbed her hand and flipped her over his body to her back on the mattress.

“Come back to bed.”

“Alright,” she answered.

“You’re wearing too many clothes.”

“Take them off me if you don’t like it.”

“Saucy bitch.” He sucked her nipple through her t-shirt.

“I do my best,” she told him with a sigh.

“I need your skin next to mine.”

“I thought you had to get back…”

Lifting his head, he frowned. “What time is it?”

She tugged her lower lip between her teeth. “Almost noon.”

Eyes wide, he whispered, “I slept for seven hours.”

“I was going to wake you up soon.”

Holding himself above her, he stroked his palm down her arm. “I never want to stop touching you, kissing you, fucking you until you scream my name.”
