Page 63 of Quiet & Kilted

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Zoe smiled. “That’s a ridiculous thing to say. You fractured your hand and got stitches in four places. Does it hurt?”

“Not anymore. Just itching where the stitches were. I won’t even need the brace in a couple of weeks.”

Stepping close to him, she let her hands coast up his bare chest to his face. “Thank you. Thank you for caring so much. Th-that night, feeling you there was the only thing that kept me from losing it.”

He nodded and kissed her lightly. Then he held her steady while he stripped her down and led her into the shower. Guiding her to the bench he’d built along one wall, he lowered her gently.

“I hate that the first time you’re seeing me naked, I can’t seeyou, Nate. I wasreallylooking forward to that.” He laughed against her cheek.

“Soon enough.” He signed and she nodded. “I’d just like to say for the record that I’m a very lucky man, Zoe.”

Chuckling nervously, she said, “Don’t make me blush.”

“I love when you do.”

“I’m grateful for your help. Still scared but not like it was in the beginning. I won’t give up.”

“I’ll fight with you.”

He tilted her head back with this finger under her chin. On a low setting, he used the removable showerhead to soak her hair.

Nate handed it to her to hold as he carefully worked a handful of conditioner through the length so he could comb out the tangles. It took three washes to get all the blood, ground glass, and residue from the stitches out of the strands and off her scalp.

When it felt smooth to the touch, he signed, “I think I got it all.”

She lifted her hand to feel. “Perfect. Thank you, Nate.”

He worked conditioner through it again and twisted the length into a loose bun while he washed her body. Picking up a washcloth, he signed, “Tell me if I hurt you, Zoe.”

“H-how bad is the bruising?”

“You have dark crescents under your eyes from the air bag. You’ve lost weight you didn’t need to lose. Some of the worst bruises are still visible. Once everything fades, heals, and we get some real food in you, you’ll be yourself again.”

There were spots of adhesive all over her from the monitors, IVs, and bandages. Nate took his time, scrubbing and stroking every inch of her skin. He rinsed her hair and body thoroughly.

Kneeling, he signed, “No matter the bruises, the healing that needs to happen, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing naked.”

Shaking her head with a laugh, she said, “Ridiculous.”

“Truth. I’m going to scrub myself real quick. Stay put.”

She talked to him. “I’m a bit frustrated and unused to being so vulnerable and dependent. I may be hard to live with for a little while. I love you.”

“One day at a time. You can do this.”

Then he hugged her, kissed her, stroked her, and used touch to keep her grounded, to let her know she was safe and loved. She could barely see a difference between him and the surrounding shower stall.

When he stretched out her leg, she frowned in confusion. Then she felt him lather it and blushed hot. “Oh god, you’re not shaving me!”

“I’m shaving everything you’re used to having shaved.” His fingers went still in hers for a pause. “I can tell exactly what that is.”

“Nate.” Her face felt as if it was on fire.

“Let me help you, Zoe.”

He shaved her legs from ankle to hip without a single nick. He shaved the hairs on her armpits and gently separated her legs to trim her bikini area in the obvious shape she preferred. He rinsed the lather away and stared into her face.

Rapid breathing and her slightly parted lips made him sign, “Zoe?”
