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‘I will leave you to grieve Laird.’

‘No, stay, we will sit with him for a while longer.’ Murray did as he was bid and there was silence between them for quite some time as Duncan got a hold on his emotions.

Finally, Duncan spoke. ‘Murray, Hugh’s death has left us vulnerable, he was respected and feared hereabouts.’

‘As are you.’

‘Aye, but my rivals will see his death as an opportunity to challenge me. Our allies will run like frightened rabbits the moment another parliamentary army bears down on us for they do not have our resolve.’

‘So all is now in chaos.’

‘Aye and we face war again.’

‘Will the Grants now declare for Richard Cromwell and Parliament.’

‘If they do, then they will be my enemies.’

‘Then I cannot go north, Laird. I will stay and fight for you here, shore up your power against clans who would exploit Hugh’s death.’

‘Absolutely not, you must go now more than ever. You must ready the men who are loyal to me and train them for we will need every one of them, every sword if war erupts. Rory will aid me in settling Hugh’s affairs and shoring up our allegiances here. You must ride for Cailleach with all haste to tell them the grave news.’

Chapter Seven

Aidan Grant took Ilene’s virginity in a secluded field of long grass and dandelions, with the sun on his back.

‘You will go to my father directly?’ she questioned anxiously, as he tore hungrily at her bodice, exposing her full creamy breasts, sucking on her tender pink nipples, pulling up her skirts.

‘Yes my love, I told you I would. You will be my bride.’

Ilene was nervous, although in some ways she had anticipated this outcome when she had agreed to steal away from Cailleach and meet Aidan in secret. But he had told her, over and over, that he was in love with her. His desire for her had grown beyond his control he said, and so he must have her. It was all she had wanted to hear since first laying eyes on him.

‘You are hungry for it, aren’t you, my love,’ he panted, kissing her passionately and hard. ‘I have wanted this for so long, I know you have too. As he entered her quickly and painfully he said, ‘when we are wed we can do this all night, every night’.

Wincing as he forced himself inside her, Ilene looked up at the sky and caught sight of some dandelion heads being taken by the breeze, little white puffs wrenched from their stems by the wind and lifted against the vivid sky, taken away to God knows where. It was not the pain which made her want to cry, it was a kind of panic and a feeling of overwhelming emotion.

As Aidan thrust at her there in the grass, fingers digging into her thighs and bottom, until his lust was sated, Ilene felt only confusion. He said he loved her, but it did not feel like love, what he was doing. It was all heat and rush. There was only discomfort, no pleasure, as she lay under him and his hard young body invaded hers. But she loved him and all she wanted was to make him happy, so she endured it.

When he had finished he rolled away from her and rose to quickly rearrange his clothes. There was a hard look of triumph on his face, and suddenly she was not so sure of him. Oh, but she was being silly. Any girl would want him, and now he was hers and had declared himself so. And she could learn how to best please him, learn to like it. She could do that for him.

‘We’d best get back for we wouldn’t want someone to see us and tell your father about this,’ he said, looking down on her and extending his hand. At the mention of her father Ilene felt a wave of shame wash over her, but then Aidan pulled her up to him, her skirts fell back around her and as he kissed her tenderly, a rush of love drove it out. Her new life was about to begin, and she could not wait to be his wife.

The heat had gone out of the day by the time they reached the castle. At the bridge, he stole a kiss.

‘Aidan, you should not,’ she laughed pushing him off.

‘Why not? You are mine now so I want the world to know it.’ He looked so handsome in the soft light, with the wind ruffling his hair. ‘But remember Ilene, tell no one of our plans just yet. I must speak to my father and yours first, else they will feel disrespected. Tell no one, until I can talk to your father, promise me,’ he said, before kissing her again then rushing off.

Ilene hurried inside to get to her chamber, to be alone with her thoughts. She put her hands to her face, hot with a mixture of joy and love. In her distraction, she rounded a corner and barged straight into Murray’s broad chest.

‘Where have you been?’ he demanded. ‘I’ve been looking all over for you.’

‘You’re back. What of Hugh?’

‘Gone to his maker,’ he replied, with a hard edge to his voice.

‘Oh, I am sorry for it. Have you told mother?’

‘Aye, Morag is with her. Your father remains at Dunslair to take care of Hugh’s affairs.’
